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Giant telescope gets go ahead
Giant telescope gets go ahead

A plan by California and Canadian universities to build the world's largest telescope at the summit of Hawaii's Mauna Kea…

Soviet Mars spacecraft possibly spotted in photos

Space fans from Russia have spotted what may be parts from a spacecraft that the Soviet Union landed on Mars in 1971. Poring…

Nasa keen to catch space rock for spacemen to explore

Plans are afoot for a robotic spaceship to capture a small asteroid and park it near the moon for astronauts to explore…

Possible hint of dark matter

It is one of the cosmos' most mysterious unsolved cases: dark matter. It is supposedly what holds the universe together…


ITM 400: Saturday Highlights video ITM 400: Saturday Highlights

ITM 400 Pukekohe Saturday Summary

Rugby: Crusaders crumble in Perth video Rugby: Crusaders crumble in Perth

Crusaders 14 Force 16

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Why we keep looking for life
Why we keep looking for life

Scientists at the University of Auckland believe they are one step closer to finding life in outer space.

No dark side to the moon
No dark side to the moon

Technically, Pink Floyd had it wrong. The space-facing side of the moon isn't dark. Not that you'd know that, given we always…

Vast tides may explain life's origin
Vast tides may explain life's origin

Early in its life the moon was much closer to Earth and the tides were a lot bigger and more frequent.

How to brush teeth in space
How to brush teeth in space

Ever wondered how astronauts brush their teeth in space without getting toothpaste up their nose? The Canadian Space Agency…


Meteorite 'from Mercury'
Meteorite 'from Mercury'

Scientists studying a collection of 35 meteorites that landed in Morocco in 2012 say that a strange…

'Splashdown' SpaceX lands Dragon

An unmanned, privately-owned US space capsule which took supplies to the International Space Station has splashed down safely…

Tech Universe: Wednesday 27 March

Veti-Gel is a liquid that can not only immediately stop bleeding but also initiate healing.

Tech Universe: Monday 25 March

When the Apollo 11 mission blasted off carrying the folks who would be the first to walk on the Moon it was powered by 5…

More strange lights over West Coast
More strange lights over West Coast

Several West Coast residents have claimed to have seen strange and unexplained lights in the night sky…

NASA denies voyager left solar system

The US space agency has denied a claim made in a scientific study that its Voyager 1 spacecraft had left the solar system…

$244m viaduct fails to allow for walkers

Auckland's newest transport infrastructure - the replacement Newmarket Viaduct - has been completed for $244 million without…

Bizarre planets uncovered

The truth is out there, but when it comes to the search for other planets beyond our Solar System the truth has turned out…

Mars could have supported life - NASA

The Curiosity rover has answered a key question about Mars: The red planet long ago harboured some of the ingredients needed…

Tech Universe: Friday 8 March
Tech Universe: Friday 8 March

The carbon fibre Solar Impulse plane has the wingspan of a 747 but only weighs as much a Honda Prius…

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