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Proton Preve dapat 5 Bintang ANCAP

Proton di AIMS 2012 2 Proton Preve dapat 5 Bintang ANCAP

Kelmarin saya tertanya-tanya mengenai keputusan akhir ujian ANCAP terhadap model Proton Preve yang masuk ke pasaran Australia, akhirnya hari ini laman web tersebut telah mengeluarkan keputusan rasminya.

Proton Preve ANCAP 5 Star Proton Preve dapat 5 Bintang ANCAP

Tahniah diucapkan kepada Proton kerana model Preve berjaya mencapai tahap 5 Bintang, dengan jumlah markah keseluruhan yang diperolehi ialah 34.25 daripada 37 markah. Kalau dikutkan prestasi model-model kereta lain iaitu Mercedes-Benz B Class, BMW 3-Series dan Volvo V40 masing-masing mendapat markah sebanyak 36.78, 36.76 dan 36.67.

ANCAP Proton Preve dapat 5 Bintang ANCAP

Anda boleh membaca laporan penuh ujian ANCAP untuk model Proton Preve dengan memuat turun fail pdf yang disediakan di sini.

Sumber : ANCAP

Update terkini 27/02/2013

Proton telah mengeluarkan siaran akhbar rasmi mengenai hasil ujian keselamatan yang dijalankan ANCAP terhadap model Proton Preve, teruskan bacaan anda;


Subang Jaya, 26 February 2013 – PROTON’s family sedan, the Prevé, has been awarded 5 Star rating in the Australasian New Car Assessment Programme, better known as the ANCAP. The result, announced by ANCAP, came after the the completion of three crash tests – frontal offset, side impact and pole – conducted by independent specialist laboratories in Australia to determine the safety level of the Proton Prevé.

To qualify for ANCAP star ratings, new vehicles are assessed and awarded points collected from a combination of test categories and scientific criteria. In order to obtain 5 Star rating – the highest award given by ANCAP, the Proton Prevé had to achieve the highest international recognised standards in all of its test categories. Equipped with specifications that are also in compliance with the Australian automotive safety standards, the Prevé now joins the ranks of many other international renowned models as a car that is recommended by ANCAP to be purchased by consumers attributed to its high standard of safety.

According to the Executive Chairman of PROTON Holdings Berhad, Dato’ Sri Haji Mohd Khamil Jamil, PROTON’s drive to change the public perception about its brand is now further proven and reinforced by this latest achievement.

“As we have reiterated time and time again, our models are not just affordable but more importantly we want our customers to know that they are quality products. An achievement of this level is yet another testament of the improving quality of Proton cars and that the Proton Prevé is recommended as a safe car, at par with other international models which have been awarded with the same level of ratings by ANCAP.”

A technological first for PROTON in engineering, all Proton Prevé units produced for domestic and export markets utilizes a technology defined as Hot Press Forming (HPF), that provides better protection and higher body as well as structural rigidity without compromising the overall car bodyweight.

“The wellbeing of our customers when driving a Proton car is always a top priority for us. So when the Proton Prevé was developed, we challenged ourselves to produce a high safety technology vehicle,”said Dato’ Sri Haji Mohd Khamil. “In fact, it didn’t stop there. We are constantly working on enhancing the safety performance of all our models – particularly for our domestic market, and our customers will see the result of our initiative in our upcoming models and variants from the third quarter of 2013 onwards.”

The 5 Star ratings awarded to the Proton Prevé follows the recent achievement by Saga FLX, another model under the PROTON marque which received a 3 Star rating by the ASEAN New Car Assessment Programme (ASEAN NCAP).

Dato’ Sri Haji Mohd Khamil added that this latest development also came at perfect timing, as the Proton Prevé is now available in the Australian market. “Customers now are more discerning than ever, and expect the highest levels of safety in their cars. Hence, we hope the Proton Prevé’s safety ratings will increase customer confidence in the brand, and our products in Australia.” Apart from Australia, the Prevé is also currently sold in Thailand and Brunei.

“Now that the safety standards of the Proton Prevé have been recognised on an international level, our commitment to provide our customers with high quality value-for-money cars has never been stronger and we are even more motivated with this latest achievement.”

The Proton Prevé is priced from RM72,990 on-the-road (Peninsular Malaysia) for the Premium variant, RM62,990 for the Executive CVT and RM59,990 for the Executive with manual transmission. Six colour choices are available; Fire Red, Blue Lagoon, Tranquility Black, Solid White, Genetic Silver and Elegant Brown.



  2. Wowww….Proton memang hebat…Tahniah diucapkan…

  3. rolling eyes !! .. kat luar kereta dijual berMUTU !!! .. tungguler abis PRU13 nanti .. bungkus ler proton. pah nie ramai MACAI akan caci aku. macai ooo macai …

    • Mmm…piawaian mutu di Aussie tinggi berbanding yg ditetapkan di M’sia dan proton dah menepati standard yg digariskan oleh kerajaan Aussie. Bukan setakat itu, model baru preve cemerlang 5 star dari aspek safety dlm ujian pelanggaran ANCAP. Inilah model pertama proton yg mendapat penarafan tersebut dan dgn harapan model2 baru seterusnya yg bakal menyusul nanti menjadikan aspek safety sebagai standard model2nya sebegini:)…sebagai rakyat m’sia, bangga siot. Lain la kalau yg tak tau diuntung tu:p

      “Committed to be better”, “berani berubah” ; teruskan dgn gagasan nie seiring dgn peningkatan mutu. Jgn dihirau langau2 yg langsung tidak memberi manfaat dari segi pandangan n kritikan membina. Siap suruh proton tutup lagi tu, busuknya hati:p

      Pru13 nanti biar majoriti rakyat yang bijak menilai menentukan masa depan yg lebih gemilang utk negaranya. Dan biarkan yg bermimpi teruskan bermimpi dan berangan.


    • komen shah yg jahil tentang teknikal ketreta

    • amboi..komen..agak2 la bungkus.ramai rakyat kita kerja dengan proton & vendor2 ni..

      • rajahGlobal says:

        ramai lagi yg keje kilang lain… brapa sangatler jumlah pekerja vendor2 proton tu…

        • Mmm… tak ramai yg keje kat proton tu. Hanya lebih kurang 10,000 org jer:p dan kakitangan yg terlibat secara langsung/tak langsung utk buat komponen/part2 proton pun x banyak mana..cuma lebih kurang 100,000 orang jer.. :p


  4. Tahniah proton…Tak sabar menunggu kemunculan preve hatchback dipasaran…

  5. kite mungkin selamat klu xcident bile naik preve tp kite xtau same ade enjin proton tu selamat x ntk 5 tahun slpas gune..

    • Tggu dan lihat.. Harap2 saudara fauzan masih bernyawa time tu..

      • Mmm…ajal maut di tangan tuhan. Doakanlah yg baik2, nescaya doa yg baik tu gak akan dpt kat diri kita gak. Malang bagi org yg mendoakan sesuatu yg buruk, dibuatnya doa yg buruk tu termakbul kat si empunya diri…. nauzubillah.

        salam n cheers!

    • macai punya statement…puii!!

    • dah pakai exora 4 tahun ok je camry kawan aku baru 3 tahun dah rosak bearingnya

      • aku pun pakai preve cfe sekarang amat berbaloi,pemanduannya setaraf dgn merc E240 cuma top speed kurang sikit berbanding MERC tsb.Vios Altis,city tak berani nak cocok preve aku.kalau tak caya cuba test drive.

  6. Adakah kualiti dlm dan luar negara sama atau berbeza2? Spec dlm negara dan luar sama ka?

  7. Sumpah…saya tak akan beli Proton lagi…blm sampai sebulan pakai…enjin pandai race sendiri…belakang bunyi mcm tercabut tayar!!! Sial punya proton…kalau tak reti buat kereta jgnlah buat…menyusahkan…dahlah byr 9 thn!!! Gerentilah yg dijual di oversea lebih bermutu drpd yg dijual kpd rakyat sendiri!!! Rakyat sendiri diperbodohkan!!!

  8. baguslah dapat pengiktirafan tu..memberi keyakinan lebih pada pengguna

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