
Travel, in Tuesday’s New Zealand Herald provides a weekly guide to national and international locations for both the discerning traveller and the dreamer, in a compact lift-out format. Travel features great destinations from around the world, which cater to readers with varying budgets and travel objectives.

In addition to premium and standard positions, Travel also offers advertisers dedicated, cost effective advertising environments within the Travel Directory and Accommodation Directory.

How readers engage with Travel

Readers see Travel as inspirational and easy to read with advertising that makes sense. For many, advertising is as important as editorial content.

Travel strongly engages readers by ‘inspiring me’ and ‘entertaining me’.

“It’s like armchair travel isn’t it? You can sit and dream and wish and plan maybe”


What does this mean for advertisers?

The Herald’s Travel section is a dedicated environment that draws in motivated readers – advertisers benefit by placing their brand within an informative, practical and highly valued weekly section.

Reader Profile

Travel presents a readership with an even gender balance each week. Readers are most likely to be in families with older children, or to be in empty nester households. They love travelling, whether it is the annual family holiday, or something more intrepid where they can immerse themselves in the local culture.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+




Weekly, Tuesday

