Weekend Sport

Sport leads in from the back of the second section of the Weekend Herald and is dedicated to the country’s obsession for sport. Offering expert analysis and evaluation of the latest results, profiles on the personalities and all the conjecture on upcoming games, Weekend Herald Sport also provides the very latest on all the week’s events.

How readers engage with Weekend Herald Sport

Qualitative research has shown Sport and SuperSport are regarded as strong sections with good coverage. The writers are engaging and ‘know their stuff’.

‘Wynne Gray is a really good writer and that other fella Chris, he is opinionated and I actually quite like that. I am not interested in reading what the score is. It is nice to know that they have got guys like them who write a bit and others like that. I think they do a pretty good job on the sports side of things”

The Sport sections of the Herald strongly engage by ‘entertaining me’, they also engage as a ‘pastime’ and at a ‘social’ level.


What does this mean for advertisers?

The Herald Sports sections cater to a broad male audience, who have interests in an enormous number of products and services. Sport is ideally positioned to deliver a large audience of affluent male readers. The Sport section is an essential read for many of our readers; this gives the advertiser the impact of being in front of the reader before other advertising messages clutter the environment. The advertiser benefits from aligning their brand in an environment packed with the world’s leading sports stars in the country’s best read newspaper.

Reader Profile

Weekend Sport readers are generally family-oriented males, employed in well-paying jobs. They are passionate about sport and try to exercise as much as they can.





Source: Nielsen CMI Q1 12 - Q4 12. Based on All People 15+




Weekly, Saturday

