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21 March - 20 April

It's not a good idea to fall in love near midnight especially if you're tired, the noise is loud and your brain is weary from a little too much alcohol.  You may be impressed by someone at this time who, like a python slithers through the grass yet you may be setting yourself up for an emotional fall.  You might think you are dictating the terms of a new friendship only to find that you will be groaning in the aftermath.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


21 April - 21 May

Your health and travel are closely linked just now and if you're thinking of travelling to a Third World country don't casually dismiss the necessity of getting your inoculations and taking all the precautions necessary to make this a satisfactory time away.  Cleanliness, hygiene and other medical procedures may be boring and time consuming but absolutely essential.  These are prerequisites you need to put a high on your agenda before travelling.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


22 May - 21 June

It can be a dumb sin if you're relying on second and third hand information to speculate especially if you don't have the money and those you are listening to are themselves babes in the woods when it comes to dishing out financial advice. Gambling costs more than just money - primarily peace of mind and restful sleep.  This is also a mark of laziness - that is, trying to reach a financially stable position in the quickest possible time without any effort on your part.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


22 June - 23 July

Unless you listen to your history and learn the lessons of the past you are likely to get burnt. Ignoring the pain and suffering you have endured in a relationship some time ago would be a silly thing especially now that a similar set of circumstances is being presented.  In fact you may have to deal with the same people who have forgotten what happened.  You should be the one with a mind like an elephant.  These animals never forget.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


24 July - 23 August

You mustn't blink at awkward resistance when you put forward your ideas today.  If your lover, spouse or friend is difficult to deal with today you must let them know that you are prepared to go solo.  They are not prepared to sing the same tune as you and are thinking that you are somehow elitist in your views or demands.  Present your opinion but make sure you are both on the same page.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


24 August - 23 September

You will be disappointed to find that your employer or someone you are working on a project with has decided to abort your plan of action because it didn't go exactly the way you had anticipated.  The incentives have changed, the goalposts have moved and sundry costs are bobbing up and down.  This is a time to bail out or will you throw bad money after good at it.  You need to ascertain the level of commitment by all parties before standing alone and copping the heavy Karma for it.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


24 September - 23 October

Fasting for a day or two is an excellent way to rejuvenate your physical, mental and emotional being.  Many legendary people have done so and this is an admirable way to accelerate your evolutionary processes. If you're feeling swamped by the current situation and your endeavors are stuck in a jam, you can bypass these twists and turns by sharpening your mind and your perception.  Giving yourself a rest from food is an ideal way to do this believe it or not. Try it. If you can't go without food simply enjoy juice.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


24 October - 22 November

Beginners have to crawl before walking and then slowly walk before running otherwise a fall is inevitable.  You could be impatient now wanting to achieve success at any cost but unfortunately you are a passenger on someone else's vehicle on their trip.  You may have been patronized to eat humble pie and your workload seems to be bearing down upon you.  Nevertheless there are still some lessons to be learned here and this is a time to listen rather than talk and slow down rather than speed up.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


23 November - 22 December

Integrating material, blending your ideas with that of a friend or co-worker is the key to satisfying everyone during this phase of your life.  You only have two wait a little longer until an increase in salary will allow you to enjoy a better quality lifestyle.  You need to be a slow commentator so that others can take in what you are saying and also mustn't be deaf to the advice of others.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


23 December - 20 January

It's a fruity situation on the work front but jest and humor will reform the situation.  Too much seriousness especially if you are being pedantic about your position will only serve to hold things up and put people at odds with you.  In the meanwhile, put forward your dreams and your ambitions in a moderate way so that others aren't afraid of too much change too soon.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


21 January - 19 February

You may have mechanical problems with your car and you could end up like many of us, who pay good money for repairs on their vehicles only to find that a whole swag of new problems occur the very next day.  Of course the experts, namely the mechanics, will swear on their mothers' graves that this is something totally unrelated to the work that they have just done.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!


20 February - 20 March

You have to create a new set of circumstances to develop a better financial position.  You have to think unlike the masses - just like wealthy people do.  The average individual is afraid to take a gamble and during this cycle you must be alert and progressive in the way you plan your future security.  Don't be afraid to do something a little different particularly if you have researched your topic well.

Daily Meditation:

A free people ought... to be armed - George Washington

Gain an unfair advantage in love and profession by knowing in advance through astrology - click here!

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It's not a good idea to fall in love near midnight especially if you're tired, the noise is loud and your brain is weary from a little...

