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Celebrating surf on screen

Mount Maunganui's reputation as a surfer's paradise is about to get a boost when it hosts the inaugural O'Neill Surf Film Festival this month.

  • 3:46 PM Mar 08th

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Bethlehem College Principal Eion Crosbie (left) and Chairman of the Board of Trustees Greg Hollister-Jones.

Kenya tragedy report not ready

Bethlehem College principal Eion Crosbie told the Bay of Plenty Times that he understands the inquiry by the Board of Trustees has not been finalised.

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  • 2:11 PM Mar 08th


CTU president Helen Kelly

Farm workers silent on safety

Western Bay agricultural workers are too scared to voice concerns about poor health and safety practices, making many farms unsafe, the Council of Trade Unions warns.

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How can you count a 6 year old falling off his grandfather's 4WD as a work related accident? Come on CTU and work to increase NZ's competitiveness in the world. Thank goodness for the Hobbit.

Religuloso from Mount Maunganui

Rena Oil Spill

Rena salvage operations have already cost $275 million. The community is to be consulted on what happens next.

Thirteen near misses since Rena

A ship course plotted by a cadet almost led to a repeat of the Rena disaster before a harbour pilot spotted the mistake and had the vessel steered away from rocks.

  • News
  • 9:25 AM Mar 01st

Bay iwi demands more Rena information

A lawyer representing iwi says Rena's owner and insurers are not disclosing the full details of assessments on the potential environmental impact associated with leaving the wreck on the reef.

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  • 12:40 PM Feb 21st
  • Kiri Gillespiene

Rotorua Daily Post

Hamilton News Live

Tourist in stable condition after chilly night in glacier

Tourist in stable condition after chilly night in glacier

The German tourist who was rescued from a West Coast glacier after spending a night trapped in an ice crevasse is in a stable condition. Sabine Hellenbrandt, 34, was reached by rescue teams this morning who winched her out of Explorer Glacier, about 2750m above sea level. She was very cold and in a lot of pain, with a suspected broken leg and arm, said police. The woman was taken to Christchurch Hospital by rescue helicopter where she is now said to be in a stable condition. She's still too shaken to speak about her horrific ordeal, hospital staff say. The woman was tramping on the glacier…

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