
New Idea - Your Fresh Celebrity Fix, is one of New Zealand’s favourite women’s magazines, brimming with all the latest celebrity news and gossip, from here in New Zealand and around the globe.

Inside New Idea everything is focused through the lens of celebrity – star shots, celebs looking glamorous; extraordinary people doing ordinary things, celebs with their families, fashion and beauty with a celebrity twist – how to dress like stars – plus big exclusives, compelling articles, hot gossip and a few laughs.

New Idea gives readers an 'in' into celebrity life and all the glitz, glamour and excitement that comes with it. They get to borrow a bit of their sheen, try on celebs’ lives for size, and enjoy a backstage pass to the stories behind the headlines.

Every week New Idea also brings readers fresh, contemporary, aspirational food and recipes, on-trend fashion and beauty, inspirational health and wellbeing, plus favourite columnists including Jay Jay Feeney, Jeremy Corbett, Nene King and more. Because New Idea loves celebrities as much as New Idea’s 492,000 readers do.

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You can also find out more about advertising in the New Idea magazine.

Source: Nielsen Consumer and Media Insights.Q2 11 to Q1 12, AP 10+,
*Audited Bureau of Circulation 12 Months to March 2012

Reader Profile

New Idea is one of the most read magazines by New Zealanders with a readership of almost 500,000. It’s a weekly must read with a copy sold every 13 seconds.*

Nearly 22% of New Idea readers are working mums. New Idea readers spend 44 minutes on average relaxing and unwinding with New Idea. They love to shop, drink wine (especially bubbles), try new recipes, and buy cosmetics.

Source: Nielsen CMI Q3 ’11 – Q2 ’12 AP 10+, ABC June ’11 – June ‘12