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21 January - 19 February

Don't get ahead of yourself today.  You may assume that a certain line of action needs to be taken when in fact the whole game plan could change within a day or two.  Hold back, relax and wait till you're given the correct instructions before you run off like a bull at a gate.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

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20 February - 20 March

On the home front you need people to listen to you but the less intense you are the more likely they are to be taken in your side of the story.  You'll be rather emotional now but need to be less demanding and more sympathetic to the group dynamic.  If you can do this you'll get a lot more done in much shorter time.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


21 March - 20 April

If you need to overcome an oppressive situation or change the circumstances of a relationship then you need to do it in a way that entertains or pampers the other person.  It may not even be a bad idea to take some time out and give yourselves a special treat today.  You need it.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


21 April - 21 May

Your work may take you away from home and pleasurable activities on the social scene but that won't bother you just now as success is alluring and your energies are directed quiet well to making a short term ambition a reality.  If you happen to go on a trip make sure there's some financial benefit in it.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


22 May - 21 June

You could be hanging onto a piece of information, possibly a letter or an email that could have an impact on the current affairs of your life.  It seems as though you need an escape from some of your emotional responsibilities and turmoil too.  Seek help if you feel as though you can't quite come to a solution yourself. 

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


22 June - 23 July

You are feeling testy and contentious, which can lead you to rashly say or do something you will later regret. Try not to put yourself into situations which you know from experience try your patience; it will be in short supply now. Try not to make their problem YOUR problem by responding tit for tat.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


24 July - 23 August

A call from an admirer could set the tune for today and make you feel really, really good.  Don't play coy or involve yourself in mind games and simply come out and be honest with your feelings.  This could be the start of something quiet exciting.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


24 August - 23 September

Don't let a disagreement with a friend upset you or turn into a confrontation.  Listen a little more in the conversation before pushing your brand of truth in their face.  The key issue today is respect, even if someone doesn't treat you the way you would like.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


24 September - 23 October

You're probably already far too overloaded to take on anything else.  Further attempts to follow your instincts and the emotions of the moment will get you into a heavier workload which you may not be able to deal with.  It's best to postpone some of your business engagements until you have a better handle on the work you're currently trying to get through.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


24 October - 22 November

This will be a questioning period where the motives of business and personal associates will come under the microscope.  You could feel abandoned as you're left out of some of the negotiations or social activities and will be wondering what you've done to create this situation.  Perhaps it's got nothing to do with you and it's just a reflection of the character of some of these other people.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


23 November - 22 December

If you're feeling unwell it's nature's way of telling you that you need to rest and to take some time out from your heavy workload.  Don't play the martyr today as that will only make you feel worse.  Give yourself a good rest, eat well and don't be too worried about the future - at least for the time being. 

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!


23 December - 20 January

Your work activities will be renewed and you can expect a positive flow of creative new energies to make you feel better about the work that you've been doing.  Try not to analyse the work you're doing or the situation that you're in but operate a little more from the heart.

Daily Meditation:

Anger punishes itself. - Thomas Fuller

Struggling to make sense of your life? A genuine psychic astrologer can steer you in the right direction  - click here!

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Don't get ahead of yourself today.  You may assume that a certain line of action needs to be taken when in fact the whole game plan...

