Vehicles that use GPS jammers are big threat to aircraft

GPS jammers pose big threat to aircraft, says new research

Company car and van drivers who use GPS jammers are a bigger threat to aircraft and shipping than crime gangs or solar storms, experts have warned.

Drivers, who don’t want their bosses knowing where they are, use the £30 devices to disguise their movements but risk interfering with air traffic control systems and landing technology.

Commercial drivers are now more to blame than criminal gangs who often use the plug-in gadgets to cover their tracks after lorries have been hijacked, a conference was told.

One airport saw as many as ten cases of interference per day nearby, according to experts.

Charles Curry, who carried out research into the problem, said: ‘In four months, our sensors near this airport have detected nearly 100 events on Mondays, but this falls to less than 30 on a Sunday.

‘The pattern of behaviour suggests it is likely to be civilian-sourced jamming and most likely the evasion of tracking within commercial vehicles for moonlighting activities.’

He added the interference was not ‘safety-critical’ for major airports but could hit plans by smaller hubs to use augmented GPS to cope with more traffic in future.

However, experts said commercial shipping, which relies heavily on GPS for navigation, may be at risk of collisions or running aground if signals are disrupted by jammers.

Navigation technology expert Dr Chaz Dixon, said: ‘Ships could be off course but would have no way of knowing. A ship off course by several hundred metres could have serious consequences.’

By contrast, Dr Dixon said ships coped ‘remarkably well’ with a simulated solar storm, which can affect electronics.
