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901 million people
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Countries & Territories: 36
943 million people
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Countries & Territories: 26
489 million people
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72% free

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Today, it is with a heavy heart that Freedom House mourns the death of its longtime board member and an exemplary human being who dedicated his life to peace, security and diplomacy, Ambassador Max Kampelman.

Findings from Freedom in the World 2013, Freedom House's annual report on the state of global freedom, reveal that democracy declined worldwide for the seventh straight year in 2012.  Despite this decline...

The United States must rethink but not abandon aid to Egypt, write Daniel Calingaert and Nancy Okail for CNN.

Two children and their mothers Zahra Nik-A’in and Taraneh Torabi, who were imprisoned in July for following the Baha’i religion, recently fell ill in Iran's Semnan Prison and were...

In a display of callousness unusual even by Vladimir Putin’s standards, Russia eliminated the possibility of a better life for thousands of orphans last week when Putin signed into law...

Freedom House Mourns the Loss of Longtime Board Member Max Kampelman
Freedom in the World 2013 Finds Democracy Declined for Seventh Straight Year
Mend don’t end U.S. aid to Egypt
Iran Must Cease its Intimidation, Ill Treatment of Baha'i Mothers and Infants
Russian children: Pawns in Putin’s power play

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The blocking of the online newspaper El Diario de Cuba signals a troubling trend toward increased internet censorship in Venezuela. Freedom House condemns this censorship and calls on the Venezuelan government to adhere to its international commitments to protect press freedom and access to information, including on the internet.


Freedom House condemns the violent attacks against LGBT rights activists in two Russian cities who were peacefully protesting against an anti-homosexuality bill to be considered by Russia’s Duma. The attacks, which occurred in Voronezh and Moscow, resulted in numerous injuries and at least one person was hospitalized.

Which countries are up, which are down, and what exactly does "freedom" mean anyway? Arch Puddington speaks in-depth about the Freedom in the World 2013   report to Huffington Post Live.

Unable to watch the video? Visit live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/freedom-house-report-2013/50f6f56102a76015cd000290

The emergence of popular movements for reform were the driving force behind major gains in the Middle East last year, according to Freedom in the World 2013, Freedom House’s annual report on the state of global freedom. However, a number of regions experienced setbacks due to a hardened and increasingly shrewd authoritarian response to these movements.

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Andrew Rizzardi
January 25, 2013

Earlier this month, Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa replaced Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake with a political ally following a parliamentary impeachment process that was deemed unconstitutional. While the government claimed that Bandaranayake had abused her position for personal gain, her ouster was widely regarded as a Rajapaksa vendetta and yet another blow to judicial independence in the country. In the wake of this showdown between the branches of government, the judiciary has been reduced to little more than an appendage of the ruling party. According to the latest edition of Freedom in the World, Sri Lanka experienced declines in political rights and civil liberties indicators in 2012, adding to a multiyear deterioration. If January is any indication, the coming year promises more of the same.


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