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*To stop peddling lies about the party




Bernard Mornah

The leadership of the yet-to-be licensed Progressive People’s Party (PPP) has cautioned the General Secretary of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Bernard Mornah, to stop peddling lies about the PPP.


In a statement issued yesterday and signed by the Interim Secretary of the PPP, Kofi Asamoah, the PPP advised the embattled PNC scribe to concentrate on solving problems “that are slowly but surely killing the PNC” instead of churning out untruths about the PPP.


Mr. Mornah is quoted on media platforms as describing the formation of the PPP as “a complete waste of time and resources.”


In response to that rant, the PPP states that: “First of all, the PPP was not formed by Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom or any one individual. It is a collective, mass party formed by a team of men and women seeking to bring something different that can become a credible alternative to the NDC and the NPP.


“It appears that the effective and urgent manner with which the PPP has been moving threatens some political parties in such a manner that even when unprovoked, they seek to throw stones at our new political party,” the PPP observed.

The statement further cautioned Mr. Mornah to get his facts right before commenting on issues of concern in relation with the CPP/PNC merger.


According to the statement, Mr. Mornah has implicated Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom in media circles as the person who hindered the merger of the two Nkrumaist parties.


“Mr. Mornah noted that Dr. Nduom’s refusal to allow the CPP to merge with the PNC in 2008 was a clear indication of his desire to continue to lead the CPP to become the President of Ghana.”


That, the statement affirms, is far from the truth, because Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom was one of the few CPP members who supported the merger. Indeed, the very people who opposed the merger are still in the CPP, the PPP disclosed.


“It was Dr. Nduom who led the CPP into negotiation for an [Nkrumaist parties] alliance for the 2008 elections only to have Dr. Edward Mahama his [party] Chairman, [Alhaji] Ramadan refuse to sign the agreement that was voted on at the Golden Tulip Hotel by leaders from the two parties,” the statement explained.


Among those who were opposed to the merger, the statement continued, are he, Bernard Mornah, who at the time was outside the country, but – with the support of an unknown sponsor – flew back as the two parties were discussing the merger.


“Was it not the same Bernard Mornah, who somehow flew back to Ghana to lead opposition to the PNC/CPP alliance in 2008?  Who sponsored him that time?” the statement questioned.


The PPP also advised Mr. Mornah to go back to history and learn about the relationship between Dr. Hilla Liman and Dr. Nduom before spreading falsehood in the various media houses where he has chosen to broadcast his ‘secret support for the corrupt NDC national administration.’


“Does [Bernard Mornah] know the relationship that existed between the late President Hilla Liman that motivated the PNC founder to announce Dr. Nduom as his running mate earlier in the 4th Republic?”, the statement quizzed.


The PPP further cautioned Mr. Mornah and his ilk in the various political parties to beware of comments they make about the PPP, which is seeking nothing apart from “bringing something different that can become a credible alternative to the NDC and the NPP.”


The statement also called on supporters and sympathizers of the PPP to remain calm and stay focused, since the party hierarchy would not be swayed by “lies” peddled by persons who have no business talking about the PPP.


“We have no time to deal with such distractions. Mornah should not tempt us with his lies!!  The PPP would rather spend its time more productively looking for solutions to the massive cloud of corruption that is covering our dear country and the poverty of mind, leadership, housing, jobs, money, disease, etc.,” the statement said.


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