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Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration

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The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration provides aid and sustainable solutions for refugees, victims of conflict and stateless people around the world, through repatriation, local integration, and resettlement in the United States. PRM also promotes the United States'  population and migration policies. More about PRM»

Women’s Foreign Policy Group Remarks on the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis

Date: 10/10/2012 Description: Assistant Secretary Richard briefed a group from the Women's Foreign Policy Group on the U.S. Government response to the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis. This briefing, followed by a question and answer session provided the group a chance to learn more about the ongoing humanitarian response that PRM supports. - State Dept ImageOctober 10: Assistant Secretary Richard briefed a group from the Women’s Foreign Policy Group on the U.S. Government response to the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis. This briefing, followed by a question and answer session provided the group a chance to learn more about the ongoing humanitarian response that PRM supports. Full Text»

Date: 10/10/2012 Description: Assistant Secretary Richard, Deputy Assistant Secretary Wiesner, and PRM staff. - State Dept ImageGlobal Forum on Migration and Development

October 10: Assistant Secretary Richard, Deputy Assistant Secretary Wiesner, and PRM staff met with 25 civil society stakeholders to discuss priorities for the Global Forum on Migration and Development set to take place in Mauritius in November. Participants discussed how civil society and governments can work together to help shape this important dialogue to protect and advocate for vulnerable migrants and advance an agenda that appropriately addresses migration and development links."  Full Text»

Open Society Foundation and Refugees International
Oct. 9, 2012

Date: 10/09/2012 Description: Assistant Secretary Richards gives remarks at ''Burma's Rohingya: Beyond the Communal Violence''. - State Dept ImageOctober 9: Assistant Secretary Richard delivered introductory remarks at “Burma’s Rohingya: Beyond the Communal Violence”, an event sponsored by Open Society Foundation and Refugees International. Assistant Secretary Richard noted, “The trajectory of U.S.-Burma relations over the past two years, since Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest in November 2010, has been an amazing time.” More»

Date: 10/09/2012 Description: Deputy Assistant Secretary Clements gives introductory remarks at ''Burma's Rohingya: Beyond the Communal Violence''. - State Dept ImageOctober 9: Benefitting from increased openness and access, Deputy Assistant Secretary Clements recently returned from travels to the region and delved into the situation of the Rohingya, who were rendered stateless by the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law. “I am proud of the fact that we have and will continue to support humanitarian protection and assistance to the Rohingya in Burma, Bangladesh, Malaysia and elsewhere in the region by working closely with the international community and countries affected by Rohingya displacement to reach a comprehensive, sustainable, and just solution to their plight.” More»

 Date: 10/04/2012 Description: Assistant Secretary Richard at the 63th Executive Committee Meetings in Geneva. - State Dept ImageAssistant Secretary Richard (Oct. 3): "Over the past four years, we have provided more than $60 million towards combating gender-based violence in such places as the DRC, Kenya, Thailand, Haiti, and Colombia." Full Text» Protection Statement»





Date: 09/18/2012 Description: Assistant Secretary Richard gives remarks the Office of Refugee Resettlement, National Consultation 2012. - State Dept ImageNational Consultation 2012

Assistant Secretary Richard (Sept. 19): "You should know that we’ve worked not just to bring more refugees to the United States, but also to convince and help other countries to offer safe haven to refugees. Twenty-five countries now resettle refugees, and we are working with both Uruguay and Bulgaria to provide technical advice to strengthen their new resettlement programs." Full Text»



Date: 09/05/2012 Description: USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah and Jordanian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Jaafar Hassan speak with WFP staff at Zaatri Camp, which hosts approximately 25,000 Syrians. (photo: US Embassy Amman) - State Dept ImageAdditional Humanitarian Assistance in Response to Violence in Syria

Sept. 5: The U.S. remains deeply concerned by the humanitarian crisis caused by violence in Syria. Over 100,000 refugees have flooded into neighboring countries in the month of August, stretching host country capacity. We commend the generosity of Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq in assisting approximately 240,000 Syrians who have fled. To help meet the growing humanitarian need, U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah announced today in Jordan that the United States is providing an additional $21 million to the U.N. World Food Program (WFP). With this new assistance, the United States is providing a total of more than $100 million for humanitarian activities both inside Syria and in neighboring countries. More»


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