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The Office of Inspector General Hotline is a clearinghouse for receiving and handling allegations regarding fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement or misconduct affecting Department of State programs and operations. Examples of allegations that should be reported to the OIG Hotline include: Misuse, embezzlement or theft of government property or funds; contract or procurement fraud; contractor misconduct; passport and visa malfeasance; fraud, waste and mismanagement of Department and BBG operations; employee misconduct, such as misuse of official position; bribes or unauthorized acceptance of gifts; conflicts of interest and other ethical violations; defense trade control violations.

Guidelines for Reporting Fraud

We would like you to think carefully about the allegation and the information you have available that can help us determine whether mismanagement or criminal conduct has been committed. To process your allegations, we will need you to provide as much information as possible regarding the suspect and victim. Your information should include:

  • Who committed the wrongdoing (person, company or organization)?
  • What exactly did the individual or entity do?
  • Where did the activity take place?
  • When did it happen?
  • How was the activity committed?
  • Do you know why the person committed the wrongdoing?
  • Who else has knowledge of the potential wrongdoing?

Without sufficient information we may be unable to act on your allegation. The more information you can provide, the better chance we have of determining whether any wrongdoing has been committed. We are very interested in the information you have to provide regarding waste, fraud, abuse, mismanagement or misconduct in DOS programs.


Submit Your Complaint to the OIG Hotline:

Online: Click here

Contractors:  FAR Contractor Form

Email: oighotline@state.gov


Office of Inspector General
P.O. Box 9778
Arlington, Virginia 22219


202-647-3320 or 800-409-9926



-OIG Hotline Submission Form
-FAR Contractor Form