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Bureau of International Organization Affairs


Date: 04/12/2011 Description: Cote d'Ivoire © UN Image Date: 02/28/2011 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Description: Secretary Clinton speaks at a press conference at the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland.  © State Dept ImageEric Bridiers Date: 04/12/2011 Description: Syrian protests © AP Image Date: 04/07/2011 Location: UNESCO Paris Description: DipNote Blog: UNESCO Youth Forum Application Process Open. © AP Image

The Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO) is the U.S. Government’s primary interlocutor with the United Nations and a host of international agencies and organizations. As such, the Bureau is charged with advancing the President’s vision of robust multilateral engagement as a crucial tool in advancing U.S. national interests. U.S. multilateral engagement spans the full range of important global issues, including peace and security, nuclear nonproliferation, human rights, economic development, climate change, global health, and much more.

First-Ever International Day of the Girl Child
October 11 is the first-ever International Day of the Girl Child. On the eve of the inaugural International Day of the Girl Child, Secretary Clinton convened a meeting with leaders in government and the private sector, including South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Chair of The Elders, to discuss their shared commitment to improving the lives of girls worldwide. Following the meeting, the Secretary announced new U.S. Government and private initiatives to prevent child marriage and promote girls’ education around the world.

U.S. Department of State Welcomes Teachers from Around the Globe to Celebrate World Teachers' Day
The U.S. Department of State announced today that 68 American teachers and 19 international teachers will be honored on UNESCO’s World Teachers’ Day in Washington, D.C. on October 5. The U.S. teachers participated in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ Teachers for Global Classrooms program, and the international teachers are currently participating in the Bureau’s Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Program. The teachers are gathering for a two-day symposium to discuss how they will integrate global content and practice into their classrooms. More»

Celebrating 15 Years of the Chemical Weapons Convention
Date: 09/27/2012 Location: New York City Description: Senior World leaders met at a high level meeting at the United Nations in New York to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the OPCW, with the theme: ''Fifteen Years of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Celebrating Success. Committing to the Future''
 © UN Image
Ambassador Mikulak (Oct 2): At the end of the Cold War, the United States joined together with other nations to pledge, in the unequivocal language of the Preamble to the Chemical Weapons Convention, "for the sake of all mankind, to exclude completely the possibility of the use of chemical weapons." Fifteen years ago, the Convention entered into force -- banning a whole category of weapons of mass destruction. From its inception, the Chemical Weapons Convention had two fundamental goals. The first was the destruction of all existing chemical weapons stocks. The United States, Russia, and four other countries declared chemical weapons stockpiles and pledged to destroy them under international verification. DipNote»

Adoption of Human Rights Council Resolution on Freedom of Association and of Assembly
Secretary Clinton (October 1):
On Thursday, the UN Human Rights Council recognized the critical importance of the freedom of peaceful assembly and association. This U.S. sponsored resolution reaffirms a basic truth: civil society plays a central role in promoting and protecting the enjoyment of human rights, but civil society can only serve the common good when the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association are protected. Full Statement»

Turning the Tide on Global Hunger
In this video, narrator Matt Damon discusses efforts to turn the tide against global hunger and increase agricultural production around the world. The video was shown at the "Feed the Future: Partnering With Civil Society" event, held in New York on September 27, 2012. Feed the Future is the U.S. global hunger and food security initiative; learn more at http://www.feedthefuture.gov. (Go to http://www.state.gov/video for more video and text transcript.) 

Fact Sheet: Advancing U.S. Interests at the United Nations
(September 25):
The Obama Administration has restored America’s standing and leadership in the world, repaired frayed relations and ended needless U.S. isolation on a range of issues. As a result, we have secured strong cooperation on the issues most important to U.S. national security and upheld American values. President Obama has delivered on his promise of a ―new era of engagement The United States has led at the United Nations to rebuild a strong basis for international cooperation to respond to the threats of the 21st Century. Read More About The Results»

Selection of the First U.S. Youth Observer at the United Nations General Assembly
Date: 09/21/2012 Description: Ms. Brooke Loughrin, First U.S. Youth Observer at the United Nations General Assembly. © UN Image
(September 21): The U.S. Department of State, in partnership with the United Nations Association of the U.S.A., is pleased to announce the selection of the first-ever U.S. Youth Observer to the UN General Assembly. The Observer, Ms. Brooke Loughrin, was chosen as a finalist from a pool of over 700 young people who submitted their essays and applications in response to a nationwide appeal by UNA-U.S.A. Ms. Loughrin is currently a student at Boston College studying political science, and hails from the Seattle area. The Youth Observer position is a part of the U.S. effort to increase youth interest and participation in international relations. Full Text»  Learn More»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer Rings The NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell
On September 27, Assistant Secretary Brimmer and State Department employees visited NASDAQ Headquarters in Times Square

Date: 09/27/2012 Location: New York City Description: Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer Rings The NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell. © UN Image

"This is a busy week for U.S. diplomacy at the United Nations, which is hosting the 67th annual UN General Assembly. As the President said on Tuesday, all of us have a stake in working toward greater opportunity and security for our citizens. And here in the United States, here in New York, we’re seeing a clear return on the investment we have made in the UN. Increasingly, we’re meeting global threats with effective cooperation. That includes tough international sanctions on nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea, and strengthened UN efforts on counterterrorism and conflict prevention." Full Text» Additional Photos»

The Community of Democracies UN Democracy Caucus
Date: 05/23/2012 Location: Washington, DC Description: Paula Schriefer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of International Organization Affairs
 - State Dept Image
Deputy Assistant Secretary Paula Schriefer (Sept. 25): "I wish to thank HE President of Mongolia and the Mongolian Mission for convening this meeting and express our support for Mongolia’s Presidency of the Community of Democracies. I would also like to add my congratulations to Maria Leissner on her appointment as Secretary General. The core of the rule of law is that every citizen enjoys individual rights which are protected by law and that such rights must be respected and protected by governments in a transparent and accountable way, consistent with international human rights law. Even government and government officials must obey the law and are answerable to the law if they fail to obey it." Full Text»

U.S. Goals and Priorities for UNGA
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Sept. 21): "[The] General Assembly high-level meetings offer opportunities for nations of the world to build partnerships towards shared goals... and to stand together to reject the kind of violence that we've seen over the past two weeks." Full Text» DipNote» United Nations 67th General Assembly»



Remarks on UNGA 67 and U.S. Multilateral Priorities
Date: 09/18/2012 Location: Washington, DC Description: Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer delivering remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on UNGA 67 and U.S. Multilateral Priorities.

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Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Sept. 18): "The nature of the twenty-first century means that American security and prosperity are inseparable from that of the rest of the world. Our world today is more interconnected, more networked, and more complex than ever. National economies are intertwined and interdependent. New technology spreads information and influence to more people than ever before – a phenomenon that is not always positive, as the events of the past week have highlighted. But as President Obama said last week, the United States cannot withdraw from the rest of the world." Full Text»

Secretary of Energy Steven Chu addressed 2012 IAEA General Conference
Secretary Chu (Sept. 17):
The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has been upheld, and at the Nuclear Security Summits in Washington and Seoul, we made important progress in securing nuclear materials. Working with allies and partners, we have also made it clear that treaties are binding, rules will be enforced, and violations must have consequences. This conference is an opportunity to build on this progress we have made by ensuring the IAEA has the resources and authority needed to carry out its mandate. Full Text»

Preview of U.S. Priorities at the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly
Date: 08/03/2012 Location: New York City Description: General Assembly Adopts Resolution Calling for End of Violence in Syria. © UN Photo/JC McIlwaine
On Tuesday, September 18, 2012 (2:00-3:00pm) Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs, Esther Brimmer will deliver her annual address previewing U.S. priorities at the UN General Assembly at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Daniel F. Runde, Director of the Project on Prosperity and Development and Schreyer Chair in Global Analysis, Center for Strategic and International Studies will introduce her and moderate the discussion. Read More»

Assessing U.S. Policy on Peacekeeping Operations in Africa
Assistant Secretary Brimmer Testifies Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Africa Subcommittee

Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Sept. 13): This Administration’s support for UN peacekeeping is deep, and builds on a strong, decades-long, bipartisan effort to improve these operations’ effectiveness. That support is rooted in the fact that peacekeeping is not a policy in itself, but rather a key tool to deliver on policy goals. UN missions deploy to promote lasting political settlements that can in turn bring a durable peace. They provide backing for those who agree to put down their guns and to support the rule of law. Full Text»

Conversations With America: Addressing Global Challenges at the UN
(Sept. 11):
Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, held a conversation with Stewart Patrick, Senior Fellow and Director of the International Institutions and Global Governance Program at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Heather Hurlburt, Executive Director of the National Security Network, on Addressing Global Challenges at the UN. More | You can read the transcript here.


21st Session of the UN Human Rights Council (Sept. 10 -28)
The UN Human Rights Council opened on September 10th with an address from United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and an update by High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, followed by a general debate.

Recent Highlights:

More | Flickr: Photos from US Mission in Geneva | Keep up with the session on twitter by following @State_IO, @USMissionGeneva & @AmbDonahoe

Remarks on International Literacy Day 2012
Date: 09/07/2012 Location: Washington, DC Description: Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer delivers remarks on International Literacy Day 2012, at the Ronald Reagan Building , Washington, DC, September 7, 2012.
 - State Dept Image
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Sept. 7): Each time we teach a child, a woman, a man to read and write it has a ripple effect --on their families, their communities, and other sectors of their nation well. We know the facts about literacy education and development. If a country elevates its literacy rate by 20 percent, its GDP also can increase by as much as 16 percent. On the other hand if less than 40 percent of a nation’s population can read, it cannot achieve rapid economic growth.” Full Text | International Literacy Day Message from Former First Lady, Laura Bush | Houston Chronicle Op-Ed by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova and Former First Lady, Laura Bush

Young Professional’s Program Examination: Accepting Applications Through September 12, 2012
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (July 31):
Today’s global challenges require global solutions. Whether climate change, food security, regional conflicts, health crises, or other burning issues, the international community, in the form of its international organizations, must play a crucial role. You can help address some of the most interesting issues of our era by seeking a career in international affairs beginning with the United Nation’s Young Professionals Program. You can apply now to take the examination for this program. Full Text» Employment Opportunities in International Organizations»  UN Careers»

U.S. Youth Observer Program
Date: 09/13/2005 Description: Flags of countries of the world flutter outside the United Nations headquarters building in New York. © AP Image
Aug. 24: This year, the Department of State is teaming up with the United Nations Association of the USA to send one young U.S. citizen to the UN General Assembly in New York through the U.S. Youth Observer program. DipNote» More»


Diplomacy & Multilateralism
On August 22, Assistant Secretary Brimmer participated in a roundtable discussion at the Lowy Institute for International Policy. Following the roundtable, Assistant Secretary Brimmer sat down with Martine Letts, Deputy Director of the Lowy Institute to discuss the Obama Administration’s renewed focus on multilateral institutions and regional diplomacy.

Assistant Secretary Brimmer’s Participation in the Pacific Islands Forum
Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer will travel to Australia, New Zealand, and the Cook Islands, August 19 – September 2, 2012.

On August 19, Assistant Secretary Brimmer will begin her visit to the Pacific region. In advance of her involvement in the Pacific Islands Forum, she will make stops in Sydney, Canberra, Wellington and Auckland. While in these cities she will meet high level officials, civil society groups and students to discuss the role of U.S. multilateral engagement in addressing global challenges. Read More»

World Humanitarian Day
Let's send the biggest social media message in history! Join Beyoncé, the UN and humanitarian aid organizations around the world to reach 1 billion people, on 1 day, with 1 message of hope. Add your voice by signing up at http://www.whd-iwashere.org/ with your social network. Your message will be stored until August 19th. On August 19th, every message will be automatically sent out as one voice, along with a special World Humanitarian Day performance by Beyoncé.

Every year on August 19th, World Humanitarian Day recognizes those who face danger and adversity to help others. Learn More»


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