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This is an official site of the United Nations (UN) team in the Russian Federation.

The United Nations in the Russian Federation is represented by over 20 UN institutions, which assist the Government of the country in finding solutions to major social and economic problems.

United Nations Day 2012

Every year on UN Day, we celebrate the United Nations and the values of its founding Charter.

This year, at a time of turmoil and global transition, we reaffirm our pledge to the peoples of the world:

To stop the wars…

To work for justice …

To address silent crises like hatred, hunger, disease and environmental degradation.

People and problems cry out for sustainable solutions. The world needs greater global cooperation. We can forge this at the UN.

The United Nations is not just a meeting place for diplomats. The United Nations is a peacekeeper disarming troops … a health worker distributing medicine … a relief team aiding refugees… a human rights expert helping deliver justice.

But we can only succeed with the support of our partners: NGOs and CEOs; scientists and scholars; philanthropists and community leaders.

No single leader, country or institution can do everything. But each of us, in our own way, can do something. Together, as partners, we can meet the threats … end the wars and wipe out poverty.

On UN Day, let us pledge to join as one human family to create a better world for all.