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Agency for International Development


The U.S. and Russia need to engage each other on global issues that require international collaboration. During Russia’s recent economic growth, it has increasingly invested in improving the well-being of its citizens and greatly increased its contribution to global welfare. The USAID program in Russia plays an important role in support of these efforts by cooperating with governmental, non-governmental (NGO) and corporate partners to promote a healthy, inclusive, and well-governed society.  Since 1992, USAID has devoted more than $2.6 billion to Russia’s development. Today, USAID supports projects in the areas of health, civil society, rule of law, local governance, and conflict mitigation. USAID is also building alliances with Russian government agencies and the corporate sector to mobilize new resources and expand the reach and impact of successful development models.



USAID supports the goals and efforts of Russia’s National Priority Project on Health, serving as a catalyst for change by introducing international best practices, advocating for policy change, and developing effective models that can be replicated throughout the country. USAID programs focus on: reducing the rapid growth of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases by increasing access to prevention and treatment; improving maternal and child health by upgrading family planning services; and, promoting child welfare by fostering family-based care options for orphans and street children. USAID collaborates closely with the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, regional governments, NGOs and faith-based organizations, and international agencies such as the World Health Organization and UNAIDS. These key partnerships increase the use of best practices and disseminate health care models developed for Russia.


USAID focuses on encouraging a more participatory society by helping Russians build an informed and active citizenry, strengthen the rule of law, promote human rights, and develop local social services. USAID provides grants to Russian NGOs that are protecting citizens’ rights, improving public service delivery, and advocating for policy reform. It supports Russian efforts to increase electoral transparency and encourage accountable, constituent-focused political leadership. USAID programs facilitate exchanges of experience between Russian and American judicial bodies, and strengthen the capacity of Russia’s independent media to provide high-quality, socially-relevant news. Its community development programs mobilize youth civic participation, increase citizen input in municipal social programs, and support efforts to improve housing and education.


USAID works in the North Caucasus—in partnership with other donors, NGOs, and local governments—to support community development projects that help reduce the potential for conflict and encourage positive cooperation between citizens and local authorities. These projects facilitate dialogue and reconciliation while creating youth employment, encouraging citizen engagement, improving social services, and providing access-to-credit and job opportunities. USAID also gives a priority focus to projects in the Russian Far East that help local authorities and community leaders mobilize public-private partnerships to solve social problems and stimulate long-term growth. Although USAID/Russia’s economic growth program has ended, Russian think tanks and NGOs founded with U.S. support carry forward USAID’s legacy by conducting independent socio-economic analysis, advising the Russian government on economic issues, expanding access to microfinance, and fighting corruption.


USAID is building alliances with Russian private sector and regional government partners, mobilizing new resources (at a ratio of 5:1) to build schools, raise HIV/AIDS awareness, and improve the livelihood of Russians in rural areas by creating jobs, providing access to credit, and engaging citizens in community development. There is a growing trend of corporate social responsibility in Russia, and many companies are interested in supporting socio-economic and community projects. Some Russian governors are also leading progressive reforms, using their own financial resources, and USAID is working with them to provide technical expertise, models and best practices. USAID also supports the efforts of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to rebuild its international development aid program.

See our website at http://russia.usaid.gov/.

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