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Posts tagged "space"

Image description: At the end of August, a filament from the sun suddenly erupted into space. The filament had been held up for days by the Sun&#8217;s ever changing magnetic field and the timing of the eruption was unexpected. Learn more about the eruption.
Image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory at NASA&#8217;s Goddard Space Flight Center

Image description: At the end of August, a filament from the sun suddenly erupted into space. The filament had been held up for days by the Sun’s ever changing magnetic field and the timing of the eruption was unexpected. Learn more about the eruption.

Image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Multiple Views of the Solar Flare on July 12, 2012

Video description

This video from NASA shows a recent solar flare in a variety of wavelengths. There is a combined wavelength view at the end.

Learn about the solar flare and view photos of it.

Video from the Solar Dynamic Observatory’s (SDO) AIA instrument.

Image description: The Hubble Space Telescope captured a crowd of stars that looks rather like a stadium darkened before a show, lit only by the flashbulbs of the audience’s cameras. Learn more about these stars.
Photo by ESA/NASA

Image description: The Hubble Space Telescope captured a crowd of stars that looks rather like a stadium darkened before a show, lit only by the flashbulbs of the audience’s cameras. Learn more about these stars.

Photo by ESA/NASA

Image description: NASA&#8217;s Cassini spacecraft resumed the kind of orbits that allow for spectacular views of Saturn&#8217;s rings. This view, from Cassini&#8217;s imaging camera, shows the outer A ring and the F ring. Learn more about Cassini&#8217;s new view of Saturn.
Image from NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI

Image description: NASA’s Cassini spacecraft resumed the kind of orbits that allow for spectacular views of Saturn’s rings. This view, from Cassini’s imaging camera, shows the outer A ring and the F ring. Learn more about Cassini’s new view of Saturn.

Image from NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI

Image description: This full-circle photo of Mars&#8217; surface is made of 817 images taken by the panoramic camera on NASA&#8217;s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. It shows the terrain that surrounded the rover while it was stationary for four months of work during its most recent Martian winter. Learn more about the Martian features in the photo.
The explorer Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, landed on Mars in January 2004. NASA&#8217;s next-generation Mars rover, Curiosity, landed on Mars in August.
Image from NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/Arizona State University

Image description: This full-circle photo of Mars’ surface is made of 817 images taken by the panoramic camera on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. It shows the terrain that surrounded the rover while it was stationary for four months of work during its most recent Martian winter. Learn more about the Martian features in the photo.

The explorer Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, landed on Mars in January 2004. NASA’s next-generation Mars rover, Curiosity, landed on Mars in August.

Image from NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/Arizona State University