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Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Afghan FM Zalmai Rassoul meet with reporters following a meeting at the State Department in Washington, March 21, 2012.

Clinton: US Committed to Afghanistan Despite Deadly Attacks

Commission is a part of the strategic deal that outlines the future relationship between the two countries after 2014 More


Public order officers block protesters demonstrating over labour issues in an industrial area of Tangerang on the outskirts of Jakarta, October 3, 2012.

Photogallery Indonesian Factory Workers Stage Massive Strike

Officials say more than two million workers took part in the one-day, nationwide strike demanding better pay More


Zimbabwe Finance Minister Tendai Biti addressing forum The Atlantic Council, Washington, DC, April 2012.

Zimbabwe Finance Minister Defies Vets' Calls to Resign

Independence war veterans, loyalists of President Mugabe, are demanding increased pay and blocking access to ministry offices More

Middle East

A Palestinian inmate stands behind the bars of a Hamas-run jail in Gaza City after prayers during the holy month of Ramadan, July 23, 2012.

HRW Report Details Gaza Prison Abuse, Torture

Human Rights Watch says Hamas has allowed culture of impunity to spread as range of serious violations are committed More

USA Votes 2012

A political cartoon by Matt Wuerker.

Video Political Cartoonists Worried About Future

With the newspaper industry shrinking, it is getting harder for cartoonists to make a living More

This combination of file pictures shows Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (L) and US President Barack Obama (R)

Multimedia Obama, Romney Face High Stakes in First Debate

President, Republican challenger to face off on domestic issues in what analysts say could be Romney's best and last chance to revive his campaign More

 Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debating in 1858

Video 2012 Presidential Debates Begin

One of first political debates in US took place in Illinois, in 1858; Senatorial candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas stood on a rock and argued over slavery More


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Chinese Ships Re-Enter Disputed Waters

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Giang: It is the fact that Senkaku belong to Japan now. china says its ... More

Students Among the Dead in Attack on Nigerian School

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gro : Hopefully there is a "reformation" beginning to take hold in Islam.
There are millions ... More

Somali Forces Move Into al-Shabab Stronghold

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missihoun: hi
i just want comment on al shabab.
truly al shabab is fighting for ... More


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Video Can Women Really Have it All?

One of the major principles of the women's movement in the United States is the idea that women can and should be able to "have it all" - that is, be able to have fulfilling careers as well as satisfying family lives. But this idea has come in for renewed debate, sparked by a recent magazine article, as both men and women struggle to strike a balance between work and family, even as they are preoccupied with the effects of the economic crisis. Here's more from Keida Kostreci, of VOA's Albanian Service.