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First Edition Preface  Second Edition Preface  Acknowledgments


    The development of the second edition of the Glossary of Meteorology is the combined efforts of hundreds of individuals, the majority of whom have volunteered their time and wisdom over a multiyear period in support of this project.

    The editor was extremely fortunate to be supported by a group of distinguished individuals, who composed the AMS Glossary Advisory Board. This board did more than set policy for the publication; it set the tone for the entire project. The board was chaired by Ronald C. Taylor, who provided superb leadership and guidance throughout the project. Board members William R. Bandeen, the late Werner A. Baum (who authored the original “planning documents” on behalf of the AMS Council), Russell R. Dickerson, the late Ralph E. Huschke (editor of the first edition of the Glossary of Meteorology), John D. Stackpole, and Ferris Webster each individually contributed in significant ways, in addition to the consensus decisions of the board.

    The subject area editors compose the Editorial Board for the Glossary of Meteorology. These individuals were not only responsible for editing the terms in their respective areas of expertise, but for identifying, supervising, and motivating the writers and reviewers who developed the definitions. Members of the Editorial Board worked tirelessly on this project; were flooded with email, faxes, and phone calls; and successfully worked with AMS-provided software on many platforms. The editor wishes to express his thanks and admiration to these individuals for their efforts, accomplished above and beyond their other personal and professional obligations.

    The nitty-gritty work involved with reviewing definitions from the first edition, and authoring and/or reviewing new definitions, fell to the large group of volunteers named below. The editor is grateful to the following writers and reviewers for their contributions: Richard Alley, Lee Anderson, Mary P. Anderson, Phil S. Anderson, Wayne M. Angevine, Phil Arkin, Dennis Atkinson, Peter G. Baines, Victor Baker, Jan Barkmeijer, Roger Bales, Peter Bannon, Roger Barry, Monika Bartelmann, Mary Barth, Randy Bassett, David Baumhefner, Kenneth Beard, William Beasley, Alfred J. Bedard Jr., William Benjey, Charles Bentley, Kenneth Bencala, Keith Beven, Niek-Jan Bink, Craig Bishop, Peter E. Black, Thomas Black, Blaine Blade, Gianluca Borzelli, Lance Bosart, Michael L. Branick, Lee Branscome, Grant Branstator, Marcia Branstetter, Raphael Bras, Bart Brashers, Stephen Brenner, David Bright, Marx Brook, John Brown, Robert A. Brown, Rodger A. Brown, Gerrit Burgers, Stephen J. Burges, Donald Burgess, Gregory Byrd, Mary Cairns, Alejandro Camerlengo, James Campbell, Kevin Carey, David A. Carter, Guy Chammas, Stanley A. Changnon Jr., Dean Churchill, Martyn Clark, Eugene Clothiaux, Samuel Colbeck, Bradley R. Colman, Martha Conklin, Dinshaw Contractor, Kerry H. Cook, Ellen J. Cooter, Steve Corfidi, Robert Davies-Jones, Donald Davis, Kenneth J. Davis, Owen Davis, Anthony DelGenio, Thomas L. Delworth, John Derber, Johanna Devereaux, Karen Devlin, Gregory A. Devoir, Leo Donner, Charles Doswell III, Thomas Dunne, Dale R. Durran, Ellsworth G. Dutton, John A. Dutton, Wesley Ebisuzaki, Brian K. Eder, David B. Enfield, Ted Engman, Dara Entekhabi, Edward S. Epstein, James Famiglietti, Graham Feingold, Brian Fiedler, Peter Finkelstein, William Finnegan, Bryce Finnerty, George Fisher, Gregory M. Flato, Robert G. Fleagle, Thomas Foken, Ralph Foster, James Franklin, Danny Fread, Paul Frenzen, Alan Fried, Michael Fritsch, Inez Fung, Frank Gallagher, Auroop Ganguly, Matthew E. Garcia, Steve Garner, Nicole Gasparini, Ron Gelaro, Marvin Geller, Harry Glahn, Anand Gnanadesikan, Joseph Golden, David C. Goodrich, Charles Tony Gordon, Stephen Graham, Jim Greenberg, Steve Griffies, Brian Gross, Richard Grotjahn, Arnold Gruber, Charles P. Guard, Alex Guenther, Dorothy K. Hall, Carl Hane, Steven R. Hanna, David Hanson, Jack Harlan, Robert Harrington, Katherine A. Harris, Giles Harrison, R. H. Pete Hawkins, Manoutcher Heidari, James Henderson, Benjamin[fp[nlnewml,newmr][xtrh,Acknowledgments[xx Herman, Douglas Hess, Peter H. Hildebrand, Richard R. Heim Jr., Karen Henry, Elisabeth Holland, Ron Holle, Frances Holt, Paul Houser, Peter Houtekamer, Robert Houze, James Hudson, Gary Hufford, Charles Hutchinson, Bisher Imam, Simon Ince, Janet M. Intrieri, Mark Iredell, Paul Janota, Iraj Javandel, Alastair D. Jenkins, Robert Johns, Gregory Johnson, Richard Johnson, Masao Kanamitsu, Tim Kane, Thomas Karl, R. Jeffrey Keeler, Edwin Kessler, Clark W. King, Peter Kitanidis, Charles Knight, Pamela N. Knox, Thomas R. Knutson, Chet Koblinsky, Chip Konrad, Philip Krider, Arun Kumar, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Steven Lancaster, Leonard J. Lane, Rolf Langland, Christopher Landsea, Kevin Lansey, Lee Larson, Dan Law, Robert Lee, Margaret LeMone, Don Lenscho, Peter F. Lester, Dennis Lettenmaier, Gad Levy, Janice Lewis, John Lewis, Dale Linville, Robert Livezey, John Livingston, Joanne Logan, Michael Lukes, Douglas MacAyeal, Don MacGorman, Robert MacNish, Sharanya Majumdar, Frank Marks, Thorsten Markus, Cliff Mass, Larry Mays, Vlad Mazur, John A. McGinley, Ian G. McKendry, Gerald A. Meehl, A. G. C. A. Meesters, Keith Meier, Paul Menzel, Fedor Mesinger, James Metcalf, Jene Michaud, Kenneth Mielke, Ronald Miller, Chin-Hoh Moeng, Al Moller, Susan Molsberry, John B. Moncrieff, Larry Mooney, Raghuram Murtugudde, Louisa Nance, Mary Nett, Paul J. Neiman, Jeffrey Niemann, George Ohring, Jan Paegle, Robert J. Paine, David Parrish, Judith Totman Parrish, James Peak, Katherine B. Perry, Grant Petty, John Pickle, Walter Planet, Paul Polger, Evelyn Poole-Kobers, Jeffrey A. Proehl, David Pugh, James Purdom, James Purser, Michael E. Purucker, Barry Ruddick, Robert Quayle, F. Martin Ralph, Eugene M. Rasmusson, Robert M. Rauber, Ronald E. Rinehart, Robert W. Ritzi Jr., Henry W. Robinson, Peter J. Robinson, Matthew Rodell, David Rogers, Richard Rotunno, David P. Rubincam, Barry Ruddick, Chris Ruf, Catherine A. Russell, Suru Saha, Frederick Sanders, Helmuth Sandstrurn, Kenneth Sassen, Ted Scambos, John Schaake Jr., Joseph Schaefer, Hans Peter Schmid, Richard Schotland, Siegfried Schubert, Phil Schumacher, Joachim Segschneider, William Sellers, Paul Sellmann, Glenn Shaw, Joseph A. Shaw, Will Shaw, Christopher Shuman, James Shuttleworth, Vijay Singh, Mano Singham, Joe Sirutis, James E. Smith, Michael B. Smith, William D. Smyth, Brian J. Soden, William Sommers, Kevin G. Speer, R. C. Srivastava, Meric Srokosz, Jery R. Stedinger, Douw G. Steyn, Jeffrey Stith, Ronald J. Stouffer, Chris Strager, Joyce F. Strand, Troy Stribling, Bruce R. Sutherland, Edward Szoke, Richard K. Taft, Dan Tarpley, Elwynn Taylor, Karl E. Taylor, Kendrick Taylor, Eric Thaler, Dennis Thompson, Owen Thompson, Raungdet Titisuttikul, David Toll, Matthias Tomczak, Zoltan Toth, Gregory Tucker, Robert Tuleya, Martin A. Uman, Huug van den Dool, Gerbrant van Vledder, Dayton Vincent, Roger Wakimoto, John E. Walsh Jr., Dailin Wang, Jing Feng Wang, Pao Wang, Stephen Warren, Arthur Warrick, John Weaver, Tammy Weckwerth, Charles Weidman, Morris Weisman, Nigel Weiss, Jeff Whitaker, Martha Whitaker, Glenn White, C. David Whiteman, Louis Wicker, James G. Wieler, Peter Wierenga, Earle Williams, Robert G. Williams, Hugh Willoughby, James Wilson, Michael Winchell, Christian Wode, Daniel E. Wolfe, Bruce Wyman, John Wyngaard, William Yeh, Zuojun Yu, Konstantin G. Zahariev, Walter Zenk, Conrad Ziegler, and Marek Zreda.

    At AMS Headquarters, the editor was extremely fortunate to work with a team of professionals dedicated to ensuring that this publication met the high standards of the first edition and the Society as a whole. Early in the project, AMS Manager of Journals Kenneth O. Wilson assisted with categorizing the terms into the subject areas, and Glossary Administrator Jane Dannenberg Foley had the arduous task of tracking every term and definition in the book, as well as serving as the primary liaison with the Editorial Board for administrative and database matters. Technical Editor Molly Frey, and Senior Technical Editors Richard G. Hendl and Ronald T. Podsiadlo each read through every term, posing questions for the subject area editors, incorporating modifications, and marking up the text into Standardized General Mark-up Language (SGML) required for our prepress electronic database. Copy Editor Kate O’Halloran reviewed every definition to ensure proper scientific and English usage, as well as conformance to AMS style. Carl Brooks of South End Software Corporation developed the PC-based Glossary database software, which enabled editors, writers, reviewers, and in-house staff to exchange, manipulate, and track the terms and their definitions. The editor also wishes to acknowledge the support AMS Executive Director Emeritus Kenneth C. Spengler has provided to the Glossary of Meteorology—both editions—over the past four decades. Finally, the dedicated work of AMS Executive Director Emeritus Richard E. Hallgren and Deputy Executive Director Keith L. Seitter laid the foundation for this project. It was Dr. Hallgren’s vision and perseverance that brought the project to fruition, and he, with the assistance of Dr. Seitter, developed the funding proposal for this project. Throughout the project, the counsel, advice, and encouragement of Drs. Hallgren and Seitter were truly appreciated.

    The second edition of the Glossary of Meteorology was supported in a substantial way by a grant through the National Science Foundation (NSF), with funding from the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, and the Department of Energy. On behalf of the AMS, and all of the past and future users of the Glossary of Meteorology, the editor wishes to thank these agencies for their support.

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