
What Is Gematria?

Hebrew numerology, and the secrets of the Torah.

Does Judaism Allow Organ Donations?

Frequently asked questions about Jewish views on these life-saving procedures.

Who Was Shabbetai Zevi?

The kabbalistic false messiah gained a mass following in the 17th century — until he converted to Islam.

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Talmudic Curses and Insults

Before there was Shakespeare, there were some angry rabbis.

What Elie Wiesel Taught Me About the Book of Job

Elie Wiesel's relationship to the Book of Job was personal — and profound.

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Sign Up for My Jewish Learning’s New Shabbat Newsletter

Welcome to Recharge, a weekly collection of Shabbat readings to refresh your soul. Each Saturday morning we’ll bring you a ...

Sign Up For “There Was None Like Maimonides”: A Look At the Legendary Jewish Thinker

“From Moses to Moses, there arose none like Moses.” So reads the inscription on the gravestone of Rabbi Moses ben ...

Do Jews Believe In…?

Have you ever wondered if Jews believe in miracles? What about Satan? Do Jews believe in evolution? My Jewish Learning’s ...

Next Torah Portion


In this Torah portion, Sara dies at the age of 127. Abraham searches for a place to bury her and settles on Machpelah. Abraham searches for a wife for his son, Isaac. Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac. The servant meets Rebecca at a well, where she provides water for him and his camels. Abraham marries Keturah and has six more sons. He then dies at the age of 175.


Parashat Chayei Sarah

Genesis 23:1 - 25:18

I Kings 1:1 - 1:31

Chayei Sarah: The Reverberations of Familial Violence

The lingering trauma of Isaac’s near-sacrifice is felt in his relationship with his wife Rebecca and in the generations that follow.


What Is the Meaning of Chai?

The Hebrew word for life is a popular symbol and toast — and is linked to the number 18.

Why Some Jewish Women Go to the Mikveh Each Month

What is niddah, or taharat ha mishpacha, and who observes it?

What Do Jews Believe About Jesus?

How Judaism regards the man Christians revere as the messiah.


How to Make Mujaderra

Easy, vegetarian Middle Eastern comfort food that is hearty and delicious.

Baba Au Rhum: Babka’s Fancy French Cousin

Babka's culinary roots may surprise you.

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How to Pray Through Infertility

Jewish tradition is no stranger to infertility, but it is only recently that liturgical responses to this struggle have emerged.

How to Experience Shabbat as Redemption

The sea of Sabbath rules and restrictions can be overwhelming. Here's how to experience them as joy and freedom.

The Tattoo Taboo in Judaism

Body ink is a no-no, but it won't bar you from Jewish life.

Havdalah: Taking Leave of Shabbat

We say goodbye to the Sabbath in a bittersweet ceremony that employs wine, fragrance, and candlelight.

How Jacob Healed His Family

Israel’s third patriarch was born into great dysfunction, but found ways to create the first cohesive family in the Bible.