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Archive for March, 2012

MJL is Hiring!

Calling all smart, talented, writerly, computer-savvy, and unemployed people! MyJewishLearning.com is on the hunt for an Editorial Assistant to join our team. Besides working with an awesome crew (seriously, we’re great, and we’ll get you donuts for your birthday), you’d be working in a lovely, casual Manhattan office and getting hands on with everything that [...]

Showdown at the Co-Op

So, um, yeah. The Co-op last night. Utter craziness. First, a recap from the Daily Show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Co-Occupation www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook The Story Last night, the Park Slope Food Co-op had a [...]

Breaking Bad Habits

“It is too late to prepare when temptation is actually at hand.” Rabbi Yitzchak Meir of Ger Sometimes you find yourself dangerously close to a piece of cheesecake. It inches even closer to you, begging to be eaten. “I can’t help myself,” you find yourself saying, as if an extra-terrestrial being has taken hold of [...]

Stereo Sinai Learn to Skate

Our friends Stereo Sinai — who we’ve gushed about on Jewniverse, and who you can pick up a free mp3 by here — have just posted a new video. It’s a love story about a pair of skates. It’s a really clever video. At first you think it’s just a random slideshow of beautiful Instagrams, [...]

As I write this, I am simultaneously: 1. Compulsively checking my email, Twitter, and Facebook. 2. Waiting for an “important” text message to determine my weekend plans 3. IMing with several co-workers 4. Flipping through Internet radio to find the perfect balance of “listenable, without requiring too much thought” music I have, it seems, a [...]

This is hilarious: Imagine there’s a Jewish day school called Chagwartz. And imagine that their biggest donor, Lucius Malfoyberg, suddenly withdraws his support. What will the headmaster, Rabbi Dumbledore, do?? Here’s a brilliant take on it: GoAnimate.com: Chaim Potter by PEJEjds Our friend (and sometimes hilarious columnist) (sometimes-columnist, not sometimes-hilarious) Ken Gordon made this video. [...]

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