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Archive for May, 2009

Best of the Rest

It’s been a short week. With Memorial Day on Monday and tomorrow being Shavuot, we only have a three day work week here. So what’s new on MyJewishLearning? Everything that was on the homepage. That’s what’s new. You didn’t miss a thing. That is, unless you didn’t go on our homepage (For shame…) So in [...]

Does pressure on the Israeli government from diaspora Jews have any chance of actually making a difference? (Ha’aretz) Yossi Verter sees Netanyahu “facing a difficult choice: Accept U.S. stipulations and risk a coalition crisis, or turn a deaf ear and head for a rift with Israel’s most important ally.” (Ha’aretz) Hillary Clinton has publicly taken [...]

Seven weeks. What has happened to me in the past seven weeks? I’ve gotten two new toothbrushes. I’ve showered 42 times. I’ve watched a lot of basketball. I’ve played very little basketball. You see, the Omer can be fun. I’ve never really thought much of it in the past. I usually forget to count by [...]

I’m going to be at Camp Ramah for Shavuot which means I’ll probably be eating less than stellar food. This is a huge disappointment, considering that Shavuot is the best time to be a milchegatarian. There might be cheesecake, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Anyway, even though I won’t get any, I present [...]

DeLeon Rocks the Boat

One of the reasons I love Deleon so much is that they are a band that doesn’t just play Sephardic music — they use Sephardic music and the Ladino language as a starting point to write original songs, dip into different genres (samba, rhumba, alt-rock, retro-Meat Puppets style, and Joey Bishop-influenced lounge are just a [...]

Tonight, Jews across the world will pull an all-nighter. Some will sit in synagogue all night long; others will “shul-crawl,” going from one synagogue to another; others will sit in their homes, nibbling on cheese-cake and trying not to fall asleep on their couches; others  will camp out on Mt. Tamalpais, re-living the ancient Israelites’ [...]

A Vast Conspiracy

A couple weeks back, I jokingly shared a link to a site teaching you how to properly fight off a golem. All in good fun I thought. What could go wrong? Looking back, my innocence is frightening. I say this because, today, I believe there to be nothing less than an internet conspiracy to commit [...]

Unwise Thursdays

Moment Magazine has a feature each month where they ask rabbis of various movements and constituencies to respond to a question. This month, they asked “How Should Jews Treat Their Arabs Neighbors?” Most of the answers, were what one would expect–with respect that we give all human beings. Except for this one: I don’t believe [...]

The new site Punk Torah is live today! A few weeks ago, Patrick A — the lead singer of the band Can Can — started doing Punk Rock Parsha, a weekly video podcast about the week’s Torah portion from a punk perspective. As the podcast built up steam, Patrick has also delivered rants about anti-Orthodox [...]

Baseball has something for everyone. For the casual fan, it is fun to go to the ballpark because it is relatively easy to determine who is winning and you really don’t have to watch most of the game. Leaving for two innings to walk around the park is totally permissible. Missing an entire quarter at [...]

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