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Archive for July, 2007

Lunch Break! (MJL Style).

At MJL, we live, breathe, and even eat Jewish learning. Though we dedicate our entire day to bringing you interesting and educational Jewish-related materials, today we even spent our lunch break having a cultural learning experience that I feel compelled to share. In a symbolic commemoration of a passage made by a courageous group of [...]

Today is Tu B’av, the Jewish “Valentine’s Day.” Tu B’Av, the 15th Day of Av, is both an ancient and modern holiday. Originally a post-biblical day of joy, it served as a matchmaking day for unmarried women in the second Temple period (before the fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.). Tu B’Av was almost unnoticed [...]

Money Matters

Is it OK to be “buying out someone else’s mitzvahâ€? so you can do it yourself? (The Jerusalem Post) The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra “an institution that celebrates collective achievement and personal brilliance…a bridge between Israel and the world, breaching barriers of language, culture and customâ€? faces disbandment owing to lack of money. (Haaretz) The two [...]

Jew York

Jewish life is seemingly apparent everywhere in New York City. From the numerous kosher restaurants, to those in Orthodox garb in the Diamond District, to the street signs. It’s also the home to the largest number of Jewish institutions–synagogues, communal organizations and JCCs in the country. It has a culture scene with Jewish rock and [...]

Where Things Stand

Reservists who fought in the Lebanon war, now a year later, give a more nuanced view of their experiences. Includes links to 4 other articles on Where Things Stand. (The Jerusalem Post) Two looks at the tense place which is Hebron, the first looking just at Jewish Hebron, the second at the “shared despair� of [...]

Small Giving, Big Impact

Today’s Jewish philanthropic news centers around those who give $5 million or more. In recent years many organizations have focused their fundraising on bigger gifts that allow for the creation of new initiatives or can sustain programs for multiple years. All too often, smaller donations are ignored by professional and lay leaders alike. However, most [...]

It’s Not Just Us

Of course, Jews hold no monopoly on inter-denominational strife, but it was still eye-opening to read my friend Benjy Balint’s new article about the power struggle over the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Back in 1869, Mark Twain visited and noticed the denominations chanting, sometimes simultaneously, in their own languages: “It has been proven conclusively [...]

I ended a week of fundraising travel with Daniel (yeah, we’ve gotta do that to keep the Jewish knowledge flowing your way) to find JTA’s headline, “Disappointed Steinhardt vows cuts and changes in funding.” The short of it: Unhappy with the results of his $125 million investment in Jewish causes over the past 12 years, [...]

Know Your Audience

One problem with writing, as opposed to speech, is that one can’t use voice inflections. This creates a particular issue for those who are frequent users of irony, satire, sarcasm, etc. Well not a problem for those who use it, but perhaps those who “don’t get it,” and thus misconstrue generally smart or witty remarks. [...]

The Inspired Kitchen

The latest installment of Adeena Sussman’s MJL food column “The Inspired Kitchen� is now available. The newest recipe: Israel-Style Kufta Kebab. Heat up your your grill and enjoy this flavorful Middle Eastern favorite.

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