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Many different kinds of yarmulkes

JEWISH WORLD TODAY: Successes & Challenges

The Jewish world today is an exciting place to be. Unprecedented diversity in Jewish families, new ventures in interfaith relations, and surging spirituality across the denominations all point to one conclusion: Jewish life today is buzzing with tradition and change.



  • Mock Jewish Divorce

    It's become almost a cliche program at American Jewish summer camps....

  • Southern & Jewish: Pride, or Prejudice?

    All that to say, I think there are things that are uniquely Southern and Jewish - and I'm not just talking about matzoh ball gumbo! If you made it......

  • The Real Flavor of the Streets

    There’s a district in Vilnius called Užupis, which has seceded from the rest of Lithuania and established its own republic....

  • Entering the Holy of Holies

    Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire......

  • Shabbat Recipe Roundup

    The High Holidays quickly approach, and with it, lots of cooking! The last thing you probably want to be doing as you gear up for family-filled dinn......