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God, and our perceptions of Him, Her, and Everything

God in Judaism

The Jewish people have long been credited with introducing monotheism to the world. But Jewish conceptions of that one God have varied through the ages. In the Bible, God is described as judge and king; in Jewish mysticism God is the Ein Sof (Infinite). And must a Jew even believe in God? Therein lies a whole other debate.


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  • Taking Responsibility

    What are the spiritual roots of the current environmental crisis?

  • Satan

    Satan isn't the Jewish devil.

  • Bat Kol - A Divine Voice

    The lowest level of prophecy, but a mighty powerful voice.

  • DNA Speaks

    The field of genetics has been offering up sensational new observations about the historical record of Jewish origins, exile, and migrations.

  • Yehuda Ashlag

    Scholar of Kabbalah and progenitor of the Kabbalah Center.