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If humans are responsible for their actions, they must have free will, the ability to choose right from wrong. But ideas about God's providence and scientific notions of biological and psychological determinism create problems for the presumption of free will. This paradox has fascinated Jewish thinkers since the Talmud.


  • Taking Responsibility

    What are the spiritual roots of the current environmental crisis?

  • Satan

    Satan isn't the Jewish devil.

  • Bat Kol - A Divine Voice

    The lowest level of prophecy, but a mighty powerful voice.

  • DNA Speaks

    The field of genetics has been offering up sensational new observations about the historical record of Jewish origins, exile, and migrations.

  • Yehuda Ashlag

    Scholar of Kabbalah and progenitor of the Kabbalah Center.


  • My Summer in the South: An Intern's Perspective

    Jim’s the local genealogist, it turns out, born and raised in Hartshorne, a descendent of coal miners who settled in the area about a century ago.......

  • Genetic Memory: Feeling Jewish

    Earlier this summer, I mingled among a group of amateur and professional genealogists at an international Paris conference exploring the study of Jewi......

  • Orthodox and Coming Out…As an Ally

    In January 2012, Keshet’s Director of Special Projects, Gregg Drinkwater, addressed audiences at Limmud Colorado, a confer......

  • Kosher Fried Chicken

    If you are a health nut or adverse to things fried, then just skip right over this post because there is nothing healthy or healthful about this recip......

  • Community Is Not Cherry Pie

    Many of us love a good delicious piece of pie....