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HostingFocus on your business. Let us do the technical stuff, like hosting.

You want a server that is reliable. You want a personable tech support 24/7 that guards your system and alerts you to site errors and outages immediately. And you want an interface that is fully accessible and functional.

HyperDo does all of this and more. We’ll provide you with the finest hosting and service so that you can focus on your business.

The wires, nuts and bolts.

This is how our hosting service will look to you:

Virtual Dedicated Server

  • HyperDo utilizes a virtual dedicated server, which is more private and as accessible to you as your own computer. You have the ability to configure and install applications with the VDS in a way that you wouldn’t if you were using shared hosting. Your server is independent of others, so you can reach resources and sustain your site without affecting any one else’s. Your server is also completely private, so that no one except you has access to you information.
  • Our server receives 24-7 monitoring – and our team receives a text message within 5 seconds of an outage. This ensures that all problems are addressed the instant they come up.
  • Our SLA (service level agreement) up-time is 99%. This means that you can expect your site to be up when you need it the most – like when that new lead, client or sale is reviewing your site.

On-site and Off-site Back-up system

  • HyperDo utilizes an On-site CPanel daily, weekly, and monthly, and an Off-site Guardian backup that takes up-to-the-minute snapshots of your server’s screen. This ensures that we have the necessary redundancy in place to get the site up and running again, should someone from your business find an error or issue with your site.

CDN (content delivery network)

  • Amazon S3 allows our developers the same inexpensive, fast, secure and accessible network that Amazon uses to run its own global website. With this CDN (content delivery network) your site delivers heavier content such as audio, video, high resolution images, and PDFs on an as-needed basis -  for a fraction of the cost.
  • Podbean is more expensive than Amazon S3, but it provides you with iTunes integration automatically and, consequently, more exposure. It’s a powerful host for your audio and video files and can be integrated beautifully with your site.

Email Hosting

  • Google Apps provides email hosting and archiving for businesses of every size. This is an optional service provided by Google Apps and HyperDo, and recommended for applications with over 5 email accounts.
  • MXForce is a SPAM and Security filter service. It is a competitor with Google, should you decide that you want neither Google nor Zoho, but still want to host email on the same server as your site.

Ecommerce Hosting

  • HyperDo ensures that our ecommerce hosting system is completely PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant. This single security standard accepts transactions from the five major credit card companies and provides a set of server set up and infrastructure standards so that your company’s business transactions and customer information are safe and secure.
  • Quarterly third-party scans ensure compliance and test for industry-recognized vulnerabilities. That way you’re not facing fines or permanent expulsion from any card acceptance programs, and your customers’ private information is always safe. After you pass a scan, you receive a seal which you place on your site, along with your SSL seal and Payment Gateway seal.

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