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“Oh” and “Ah” just became verbs.

You know that the big idea is where it all starts. You also know that business is as good as its presentation. You want to market your idea: sell product, establish a competitive and impressive presence.

With HyperDo you can affordably establish that presence with apps and inspire awe among your clientele. We will help you create a stunning app so that, however the market may change, the good impression your business makes won’t.

The Process: from Idea, to Blueprint, to Reality

HyperDo will:

  • First, provide you with friendly and experienced consultation, in order to guide your big idea from thought onto paper. This is where we work out a plan to fit your project into the world of business and technology.
  • Second, write the specifications document, which allows us to become more technical about your project. That way, both you and HyperDo know the project and its details intimately.
  • Third, put the plan and the specs into basic structural action. We’ll ensure that the basic functions and features are all there according to your needs.
  • Fourth, sharpen and enhance that structure with stunning graphics and content. We don’t limit you to a template; your site will be completely original, simple to navigate and control, and designed to attract customers.
  • Finally, finish the developing touches on your app, to ensure that it is fully functional, fully optimal, and guaranteed to make an impact in its field. Over a decade of experience will support and continually update your app, so that your customers will always see what they need. Your site will be available anywhere, whenever it’s needed to make a stellar appearance.

To oh/To ah, def: to express marvel or awe, to compliment.

HyperDo will ensure that your app impresses your customers and earns the kind of accolades that your sharpest competitors are getting. Impress them with your presentation and move them to praise.

See the Case Study

Apping is possible. App Development | HyperDo Media

HyperDo developed a consecration app for MyConsecration.org, allowing users to download materials for free and make the consecration from their iPhone, iPad or Android. Because of this, the consecration is available not only to organizations, groups or parishes, but to individuals as well – no matter where they are or what day it is.

Facebook integrated.

Not only does the app place the consecration directly into anyone’s hands, it is integrated with Facebook. Anyone making or renewing the consecration can share the information to Facebook, allowing friends to follow each other’s status or do the consecration together.


The app is customizable to the date and time a person wants to begin the consecration. They can also set reminders on their iPhone or iPad which will alert them whenever necessary.

You can see more of the app here.

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