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Section SS index1051-1059 of 1376 terms

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  • stratification—The existence or formation of distinct layers or laminae in a body of water identified by differences in thermal or salinity characteristics (e.g., densities) or by oxygen or nutrient content.
  • stratified fluid—A fluid having density variation along the axis of gravity, usually implying upward decrease of density, that is, a stratification characterized by static stability.
  • stratiform cloudSee cloud classification, stratiform, stratiformis.
  • stratiform precipitation area—A region of precipitation from a nimbostratus cloud, which may or may not be an outgrowth of a cumulonimbus cloud, in which the air motions are strong enough for vapor to be condensed or deposited on particles but weak enough that the particles cannot grow effectively by collection of cloud water droplets.
    Generally the vertical motions are weak enough that the growing particles fall relative to the ground. In especially well-developed stratiform precipitation, precipitating ice particles falling and growing by vapor deposition aggregate to form large snowflakes; then the snowflakes melt and produce a bright band on radar.
  • stratiform—Descriptive of clouds of extensive horizontal development, as contrasted to the vertically developed cumuliform types.
    See stratus, altostratus, cirrostratus, nimbostratus, stratocumulus.
  • stratiformis—A cloud species consisting of a very extensive horizontal layer or layers that need not be continuous.
    This species is the most common form of the genera altocumulus and stratocumulus and is occasionally found in cirrocumulus. See cloud classification.
  • stratocumulus castellanusSee castellanus.
  • stratocumulus floccusSee floccus.
  • stratocumulus lenticularisSee lenticularis.
  • stratocumulus mammatusSee mamma.

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