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  • stagnant glacier—Same as dead glacier.
  • stagnation area—1. For air blowing toward an object such as the wall of a building, the point that marks the center of divergence of air along that wall as the streamlines split to flow around the building.
    The stagnation area corresponds to a relative maximum of static pressure. 2. During strongly statically stable conditions, the region just upstream of a mountain where the air is blocked by the mountain.
    This blocked flow could also contain a cavity of reverse flow. 3. An air pollution term for an anticyclonic region of subsidence and light winds that tends to trap pollutants near the ground where concentrations can become large.
  • stagnation pressure—1. Usually, same as total pressure. 2. Sometimes, same as dynamic pressure.
  • stalling Mach number—The Mach number of an aircraft when the coefficient of lift of the aerodynamic surfaces is the maximum obtainable for the pressure altitude, true airspeed, and angle of attack under which the craft is operated.
  • stalo—(Coined word from stable local oscillator.) A very stable radio frequency local oscillator used in radio and radar for mixing received signals to produce an intermediate frequency signal.
    See heterodyne.
  • stand—The condition at high water or low water when there is no change in the height of the tide.
    Compare slack water.
  • standard artillery atmosphere—A set of values describing atmospheric conditions on which ballistic computations are based, namely, no wind; a surface temperature of 15°C; a surface pressure of 1000 millibars; a surface relative humidity of 78%; and a lapse rate that yields a prescribed density altitude relation.
  • standard artillery zone—A vertical subdivision of the standard artillery atmosphere; it may be considered a layer of air of prescribed thickness and altitude.
  • standard atmosphere—1. A hypothetical vertical distribution of atmospheric temperature, pressure, and density that, by international agreement, is taken to be representative of the atmosphere for purposes of pressure altimeter calibrations, aircraft performance calculations, aircraft and missile design, ballistic tables, etc.
    The air is assumed to obey the perfect gas law and the hydrostatic equation, which, taken together, relate temperature, pressure, and density variations in the vertical. It is further assumed that the air contains no water vapor and that the acceleration of gravity does not change with height. This last assumption is tantamount to adopting a particular unit of geopotential height in place of a unit of geometric height for representing the measure of vertical displacement, for the two units are numerically equivalent in both the metric and English systems, as defined in connection with the standard atmosphere. The current standard atmosphere is that adopted in 1976 and is a slight modification of one adopted in 1952 by the International Civil Aeronautical Organization (ICAO), which, in turn, supplanted the NACA Standard Atmosphere (or U.S. Standard Atmosphere) prepared in 1925. It assumes sea level values as follows:
  • —Temperature 288.15 K (15°C)
  • —Pressure 101 325 Pa (1013.25 mb, 760 mm of Hg, or 29.92 in. of Hg)
  • —Density 1225 g m−2 (1.225 g L−1)
  • —Mean molar mass — 28.964 g mole−1.
  • The parametric assumptions and physical constants used in preparing the current standard atmosphere are as follows.
    1. Zero pressure altitude corresponds to that pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high. This pressure is taken to be 1.013250 × 106 dynes cm−2, or 1013.250 mb, and is known as one standard atmosphere or one atmosphere.
    2. The gas constant for dry air is 2.8704 × 106 ergs gm−1K−1.
    3. The ice point at one standard atmosphere pressure is 273.16 K.
    4. The acceleration of gravity is 980.665 cm s−2.
    5. The temperature at zero pressure altitude is 15°C or 288.15 K.
    6. The density at zero pressure altitude is 0.0012250 gm cm−3
    7. The lapse rate of temperature in the tropopause is 6.5°C km−1.
    8. The pressure altitude of the tropopause is 11 km.
    9. The temperature at the tropopause is −56.5°C.
    The ARDC Model Atmosphere, 1959, extended the above standard approximately as follows:
    1. The lapse rate from 11 to 25 km is 0°C km−1.
    2. The lapse rate from 25 to 47 km is +3.0°C km−1; temperature at 47 km is +9.5°C.
    3. The lapse rate from 47 to 53 km is 0°C km−1.
    4. The lapse rate from 53 to 75 km is −3.9°C km−1; temperature at 75 km is −76.3°C.
    5. The lapse rate from 75 to 90 km is 0°C km−1.
    6. The lapse rate from 90 to 126 km is +3.5°C km−1; temperature at 126 km is +49.7°C (molecular-scale temperatures).
    7. The lapse rate from 126 to 175 km is +10.0°C km−1; temperature at 175 km is 539.7°C (molecular-scale temperatures).
    8. The lapse rate from 175 to 500 km is +5.8°C km−1; temperature at 500 km is 2424.7°C (molecular-scale temperatures).
    The U.S. Extension to the ICAO Standard Atmosphere is essentially a recomputation of the above data from the surface to 300 km. See air. 2. A standard unit of atmospheric pressure, the 45° atmosphere, defined as that pressure exerted by a 760-mm column of mercury at 45° latitude at sea level at temperature 0°C (acceleration of gravity = 980.616 cm s−2).
    One 45° atmosphere = 760 mm Hg (45°) = 29.9213 in Hg (45°) = 1013.200 mb = 101.320 kPa. 3. A standard unit of atmospheric pressure, defined as that pressure exerted by a 760-mm column of mercury at standard gravity (980.665 cm s−2 at temperature 0°C).
    This is a unit recommended for meteorological use. One standard atmosphere = 760 mm Hg = 29.9213 in Hg = 1013.250 mb = 101.325 kPa. 4. With respect to radio propagation, that hypothetical atmosphere in which standard propagation exists, that is, one in which the index of refraction decreases with height at a rate of 12 N- units per 1000 ft.
              COESA, 1976: U.S. Standard Atmosphere, U.S. Gov. Print. Off., Wash., D.C
              Jursa, A. S., ed., 1985: Handbook of Geophysics and the Space Environment, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory
              Minzner, R. A., K. S. W. Champion, and H. L. Pond, 1959: The ARDC Model Atmosphere, 1959, Air Force Surveys in Geophysics No. 115 (AFCRC-TR-59-267), Air Force Cambridge Research Center
  • standard atmospheric pressure—That pressure (force per unit area) recorded when the height of a column of mercury is reduced to standard gravity and temperature.
    It is the pressure exerted by a column of mercury 760 mm high, of density 13 595.1 kg m−3, subject to a gravitational acceleration of 9.80665 m s−2, and equals 1013.25 hPa. This is a sea level consideration at 45°N latitude.

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