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Decision - 29COM 10 - Global Training Strategy

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined document WHC-05/29.COM/10,

2. Recalling Decision 7 EXT.COM 11, adopted at its 7th extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2004),

3. Notes that the funding to IUCN foreseen in the Proposed Budget 2006-2007 is inadequate to effectively lead on the implementation of the Global Framework Programme for Capacity Building on Natural Heritage;

4. Allocates an amount of US$40,000 to IUCN under the World Heritage Fund budget-line 1.2 for Advisory Bodies' services in addition to the current proposal of US$65,000 for the biennium 2006-2007, to allow for the acceleration of existing activities in relation to preparation of training manuals and support for training workshops, in addition to the development and implementation of an action plan for raising extra-budgetary funds to support the implementation of the Global Framework Programme for natural heritage training and capacity building, by transferring the equivalent amount from the budget-line 3.2.1 for International Assistance for Training and Research;

5. Requests IUCN to report on progress in this regard to the World Heritage Committee at its 31st session (2007);

6. Urges States Parties and the relevant Non-Governmental Organizations to collaborate with IUCN and provide support to the strategic implementation of the Global Framework Programme for Capacity Building on Natural Heritage.

PDF Original Decision Document
Context of Decision
PDF WHC-05/29.COM/10
Themes: Capacity Building
Session: 29COM