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World Heritage Review n°56

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Synergies between World Heritage sites and Key Biodiversity Areas
The interests of the World Heritage Convention are convergent with those of the biodiversity conservation community.
Marine World Heritage: the time is now. Protecting the “best of the best” in the ocean
Since 2005, the mission of the World Heritage Marine Programme has been to safeguard the world’s most outstanding marine sites, to make sure they will be preserved and allowed to thrive for generations to come.
Climate change and a natural solution
In 2005, at its 29th session, the World Heritage Committee acknowledged the potential effect of climate change on World Heritage sites.
Cultural diversity, biodiversity and World Heritage sites – a tribute to the flexibility of the World Heritage system.
The Convention recognizes the interconnectivity of biological and cultural diversity in identifying and conserving the rich biodiversity of World Heritage sites.
Western Ghats: biodiversity, endemism and conservation
This biodiversity hotspot is home to a rich endemic assemblage of plants and species and has to face tremendous population pressure.
Kew Gardens and the conservation of biodiversity – from a royal garden to a global botanic resource
Since the 18th century, the Botanic Gardens of Kew made a significant and uninterrupted contribution to the study of plant diversity and economic botany.
Funding for biodiversity: implications for Word Heritage sites
Protected areas, including World Heritage sites, are the cornerstones of biodiversity conservation and adequate funding is an essential prerequisite for effective management of these prime assets.

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