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2011 Conference

Conference of Vice Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology (COVIDSET), 2011

This is to inform you that the venue of the 4th African Regional Conference of Vice Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology (COVIDSET 2011) has been changed from Abuja, Nigeria to Johannesburg, South Africa. The dates for the conference remain the same .i.e. 23rd to 25th November 2011.

The new conference venue is Birchwood Hotel & OR Conference Centre.

The change has been necessitated by the current security problems in Abuja, Nigeria. We regret any inconvenience that may have resulted out of this last minute change of plans.

Welcome to the website of the Conference of Vice Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology (COVIDSET 2011). This is the fourth in the series organised by UNESCO and ANSTI in collaboration with Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile, Ife, 23-25 November, 2011

The African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI) established COVIDSET as a forum for university leaders responsible for science, engineering and technology (SET) education to meet and dialogue on strategic and emerging issues in SET education. COVIDSET 2011 will provide the podium for Vice Chancellors, Deans, Heads of Department, Private sector and Development Partners in Africa and the Diaspora to exchange ideas and experiences, share good practices as well as sensitise university leaders on new and emerging trends in science, engineering and technology to enhance Africa’s global competitiveness and the impact of high-level training and research on Africa’s development.

With the organisation of COVIDSET 2011, ANSTI is re-affirming its commitment in making this forum of African leaders responsible for Science and Technology in higher education an important and regular platform for exchange and sharing of ideas and strategies on capacity building.

Aim and Objectives

The aim of the conference is to bring together university leaders/policy makers, researchers and the private sector to deliberate on how to exploit African’s research and innovation capacities and capabilities to generate new products, processes and markets for its socio-economic development as well as increase Africa’s global competitiveness under the theme:

Harnessing Africa’s Scientific, Engineering and Technology Innovations for Sustainable Development: The Role of Universities.

The sub-themes are:
  • Innovative use of science, engineering and technology in meeting the Millennium Development goals: The Role of Universities
  • University-Private Sector- Donor Partner collaboration: Case studies on R&D; and Commercialisation; Intellectual Property Right (IPR); Technology Transfer; Technology parks; Centres of Excellence.
  • Science, Engineering and Technology Institutions in Crisis in Africa: The Way Forward.
There will also be parallel workshops in new and emerging areas:
  • Nanotechnology,
  • Climate change and Green Energy
  • Quality Assurance in Science and Engineering: International Bench marking

Expected outcome

Africa has an enormous potential in human and natural resources, favourable geographical location and young population to play an essential role in knowledge based global economic insurgence but has not taken advantage of these attributes. It is expected that the conference will achieve the following:

  • Strengthening the capacity of university leaders responsible for science and technology teaching , policy makers, researchers and private sector to exploit Africa’s available knowledge base, human resources in science and technology for sustainable development;
  • Increase the opportunity for Vice Chancellors and Deans to acquire skills to respond to challenges in new and emerging areas of science, engineering and technology;
  • Develop an Action Plan for harnessing science, engineering, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship capacity and capabilities in universities in Africa for sustainable socio-economic development; and
  • Develop strategies for strengthening Science and Technology Institutions in Africa

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