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Michael E. Knight Discusses the 'All My Children Finale' (VIDEO)

by Alex Moaba, posted Sep 28th 2011 5:30PM
Michael E. Knight, who played Tad Martin on 'All My Children,' dropped by 'The Talk' (weekdays, syndicated on CBS) to do some cooking and discuss the beloved soap's TV finale. "I got to give the requiem speech, which I loved. It was a farewell to friends and family and stuff, and I was very happy about that," he told guest-hosts Kris Jenner and Aisha Tyler.

"I love the fact that I'm here cooking today, because they replaced us with a cooking show," Knight joked. He also said he was happy 'AMC' founder Agnes Nixon and some of the show's older characters got to appear in the finale.

Knight, much like fellow 'AMC' star Susan Lucci, has not yet signed on for the soap's online version, which will air in 2012.

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Sign on Michael I feel this is gonna be great,soap fans love you!!!!

October 14 2011 at 4:11 PM Report abuse rate up rate down Reply

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