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Mark Twain, 2011-07-18
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Mark Twain, 2004-09-19
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Michel de Montaigne, 2010-07-06
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Much of the non-fiction produced throughout history is of a mundane and everyday variety such as records and legal documents which were only ever seen by a few and are of little interest except to the historian. The non-fiction that transcends... [more]

Featured in Essays

Experimental Film
Experimental Film, LITERATURE, Nonfiction, Essays, History, Triple Canopy
Earlier this week, the wonderful Triple Canopy announced the recipients of its first round of commissions. As would be expected from such a curious and consistently invigorating enterprise as Triple Canopy, the projects all sound invariably fascinating; the full list of recipients may be found here. From this early point – a point so early in the projects' developments that it is entirely unfair to begin making any such judgments –, several stand out as particularly intriguing, whether because of the projects themselves or the track histories of their respective creators. Anna Lundh's is emblematic of both. 2009 marked something of what must have been a banner year for the artist; at the very least, it was then that I found out
Janet Malcolm’s article for the May 3, 2010 issue of The New Yorker is entitled “Iphigenia in Forest Hills: Anatomy of a Murder Trial,” although the dust jacket opts for the subtitle alone. This makes sense: it’s catchier, and the actual title,
I was initially saddened by the news of J.D. Salinger's passing, but this sadness was quickly replaced by uncertainty. His books meant the world to me a few years ago, as I'm sure they did to countless high school kids, and
In The Naked and The Conflicted, an op-ed piece in the Sunday Book Review of The New York Times, Katie Roiphe offers an uneasily defiant defense of the sex scenes – alternately reviled and lauded for their exuberantly misogynistic perversities –

Activity in Essays

Who Is Your Favorite 19th-century Essayist And Why?

Difficult as it is to choose just one favorite essayist from the 19th century I am compelled to pick Margaret Fuller, American Journalist and one of the only female members of the Concord Transcendentalist inner circle. Ms Fuller's body of work runs the gamut of her passions; social justice issues such as women's rights and prison reform; transcendeltalist philosophy; public education; abolition, among her most prolific writings. Margaret Fuller set the bar for female journalists and essayists that, through her work in the early women's right movement, we able to follow in her footsteps.
Posted about 1 year ago by Unknown User

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