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Dark Ambient

Ambient industrial or dark ambient, is the ambient side of post-industrial music. The style is a minimalist soundscape. What separates dark ambient from ambient industrial is the harshness. The droning and distorted samples of dark ambient are replaced by waves of... [more]

Featured in Dark Ambient

MUSIC, Dark Ambient, Microsound, Ambient, quiet
This week in the music area of Art+Culture, we continued our exploration of ‘Quiet Music.’ (Read [Part 1] and [Part 2]) Here are some highlights: 1. I posted an interesting article from Wired Magazine about lowercase sound, an extreme form of minimalist ambient music. [read] 2. GraceAnne brought to our attention Disquiet.com, a great site about ambient and electronic music. Her post also includes a cute video by the musician Pogo, based on Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. [read] 3. I spent some time adding some seminal artists to the Ambient category: Steve Roach [view profile] I posted a YouTube video of Roach’s piece Something in Tears, from his album Quiet Music 2. [watch] Robert Rich [view

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