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The writer of nonfiction enjoys a rare posture in the world: she is an interpreter. That is, if the writer of fiction is a creator, the nonfiction writer is a selector, a sieve, a filter through which the world is viewed... [more]

Featured in Nonfiction

Experimental Film
Experimental Film, LITERATURE, Nonfiction, Essays, History, Triple Canopy
Earlier this week, the wonderful Triple Canopy announced the recipients of its first round of commissions. As would be expected from such a curious and consistently invigorating enterprise as Triple Canopy, the projects all sound invariably fascinating; the full list of recipients may be found here. From this early point – a point so early in the projects' developments that it is entirely unfair to begin making any such judgments –, several stand out as particularly intriguing, whether because of the projects themselves or the track histories of their respective creators. Anna Lundh's is emblematic of both. 2009 marked something of what must have been a banner year for the artist; at the very least, it was then that I found out
I was unable to go to sleep one recent night. My insomnia was only further abetted by what grew, over the course of those frustrated, sleepless hours, into a frenzied state of righteous disgust with Christopher Hitchens' model of intellectual pursuit,
Janet Malcolm’s article for the May 3, 2010 issue of The New Yorker is entitled “Iphigenia in Forest Hills: Anatomy of a Murder Trial,” although the dust jacket opts for the subtitle alone. This makes sense: it’s catchier, and the actual title,
Awaiting each new issue of the simply remarkable Triple Canopy is a pleasure matched only by each issue's arrival; that the content of each issue is unfurled over time, and does not come in one fell-swoop of intimidating new material to set

Activity in Nonfiction

  • Pest control Rochester
    XX-Terminators Pest Control Company is devoted to working to help achieve the ultimate pest protection plan to residential and commercial customers throughout Rochester, NY and surrounding areas. Services include control of termites, bees, wasps, spiders, ants, cockroaches, b ...
    6 months ago

Do You Think It Is Possible To Articulate Anything Objectively?

No, everything we do, say, feel, and think gets filtered through our minds and is therefore colored by our present and our past experiences. We can state facts and we can openly consider all points of view but in order to fully articulate something authentically, we must articulate it as we see it, as we feel it, and as we think it.
Posted about 1 year ago by Unknown User

Current Events

TAM TAM's Montréal, Québec, Canada
TAM TAM / details
A Preferred Blur Los Angeles, California, United States
21361 / details


Mister Artsee Brooklyn, NY, United States

Mister Artsee

Mr. Artsee and Art/See productions announces an open call for proposals from
artists, musicians, story tellers, composers, urban planners, designers,
curators, educators and... / read more

Columbia College Chicago Chicago, IL, United States

Columbia College Chicago is the nation’s largest and most diverse private arts college. Located in downtown Chicago’s vibrant South Loop neighborhood, Columbia is a non-profit creative academic... / read more

The Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers New York, N.Y., United States

VOGUE raves: Danzy Senna's Where Did You Sleep Last Night is "a keen appreciation of a utopian-minded marriage scarred by America's racially-divided past."

Award-winning novelist and former... / read more

studio béluga Montreal, Quebec, Canada

studio béluga is a place for creative thinkers.

bélugas are particularly gentle creatures. No other whale species can produce as many diverse high-frequency sounds while only two other species... / read more

Artexte Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Artexte engages in research, interpretation, and dissemination initiatives in order to broaden the influence and appreciation of contemporary visual arts. These activities are informed by our... / read more


Upcoming events

Holiday Gallery Night / Light Up Milton Milton, FL, United States
2 Dec - 2 Dec
SantaRosa Art+Culture Foundation / details
Moonshine Creek Production - Local Folk Play Milton, FL, United States
7 Oct - 9 Oct
SantaRosa Art+Culture Foundation / details

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