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This August in the music area of Art+Culture, we explored ‘Quiet Music’ (Read [Part 1] [Part 2] and [Part 3]). Thanks to everyone for reading and contributing! Next month, curator Alen Hadzovic will lead us on an exploration on "Anniversaries."

As my last post on 'Quiet Music,' I would like to highlight 3 artists I've been enjoying:

Bill Fontana (thanks GraceAnne for reminding me of him!), an American sound installation artist. His website is www.resoundings.org. [Here] is a video about one of my favorite pieces of his, Sound Island (1994), which was installed at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Ken Gregory, a Canadian installation artist [www.cheapmeat.net]. I saw his lecture on his new work, [wind coil sound flow], which uses recordings of vibrating kite strings. [12 motor bells] is also quite interesting.

Aaron Ximm, aka quiet american [site] - an American field recording specialist. Some of his best-known pieces are his [One-Minute Vacations]. He also has a lot of great advice about producing field recordings [here], and some interesting approaches to making a living as an artist [here].


Addendum: Also check out Christopher Willes's entries on [Takemitsu] and [Feldman]!

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