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MDG Monitoring & Reporting

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CR: Nepal/ Poverty Monitoring - Exposure Visit?
September 2003
CR: Senegal / Poverty Observatories (Revised CR)
December 2001
CR: Mozambique/ Comparative Experiences/ Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation Mechanisms for Accountability at District Level
April 2005
CR: Nepal / Operationalizing Participatory PRSP Monitoring
by: poverty monitoring, PRSP monitoring
May 2004
CR: Republic of Congo/ Participatory planning for integrated community development / Comparative experiences
22 November 2007
CR: Thailand/ MDG 8 reports by non-OECD countries?
August 2005
Thailand inquires if any other non-OECD/DAC country has produced an MDGR exclusively on Goal 8. The summary provides an overview of initiatives and reporting activities of other emerging donors on Goal 8, such as Malaysia, Brazil, and Poland.
CR: Cape Verde Align PRPS to MDGs
25 April 2006
CR: Uzbekistan PRSP and MDGs Statistical Monitoring
12 May 2006
CR: Sudan UNDP Support to IPRSP Preparation
16 May 2006
CR: Armenia Reviewing a PRSP through a Participatory Process
16 May 2006
CR: Sierra Leone MDGs Workshop
16 May 2006
CR: Malaysia: Strategies to bring basic services to rural remote communities
12 July 2006
CR: MDG Monitoring Approach - Tracking UNDP Efforts
20 August 2006
CR: Mauritius/Establishment of a National Gender Information System/Comparative Experiences
20 May 2006
CR: Namibia / Assessing the need for DevInfo or other information systems
16 February 2005
Requests advice for countries for determining their data base and information systems needs, with emphasis on simplification, efficiency and maximum ownership and impact on country level. Responses highlight the relative advantages of DevInfo and suggestions and considerations when selecting to adopt this system. [Revised Consolidated Reply posted 28 February]
CR: Dissemination of and Training on DevInfo
24 January 2005
Requests information on the users of DevInfo in other countries and the types of training conducted. Country examples highlighted the need to differentiate adminstrators of the system and data users for training purposes and accomodating the different phases of DevInfo implementation.
CR: Tsunami Response: Livelihoods Impact Assessments
19 January 2005
Requests guidelines and examples of short questionnaires to support a (joint UN and government) effort to put together a rapid need assessment to assess the effect of the Tsunami on livelihoods in the affected areas. Provides livelihood assessment tools and checklists and an overview of additional aspects to consider in an assessment.
CR: UNDG Guidance Note - need for a revision? (Revised)
28 October 2004
CR: Gender in National MDG Reports
25 October 2004
CR: How to balance ambition and realism in setting National targets for the MDGs?
September 2004
CR: Mongolia/ Experiences and study tour in operationalising poverty monitoring systems?
August 2004
CR: Draft Practice Note on Monitoring Progress on MDG 7
August 2004
CR: Incorporating MDGs & PRSP Indicators in DevInfo
June 2004
CR: MDGs and NGO Project Evaluation
June 2004
CR: Uzbekistan/Synergy project for improving data quality
June 2004
CR: How to ensure that MDG indicators are adjusted to national context?
May 2004
CR: Comparative Experiences / MDG 7 / Monitoring Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability
May 2004
CR: MDG Reporting Process
April 2004
In this query, members were asked to describe the process they have taken in reporting, whether it is in preparation or launch of the report, the activities they initiated around the MDGR, stakeholders they engaged in the process, etc.
CR: Designing an MDG Seminar Series - South Africa
April 2004
South Africa is in the process of writing their first MDG report; The query shared that the CO is planning to have 6 one-day seminars over the next six months, congregating specialists, experts, community activist, etc. as part of their plan to initiate activities that will feed into the formal report process; Questions raised here relate to the viability of this exercise, its usefulness in terms of producing the MDG report, and suggestions on how to further develop and refine the idea in light of similar initiatives.
CR: Comparative Experiences - MDGs at subnational level
March 2004
CR: Web-based Expanded MDG Monitoring Tool
March 2004
CR: 1990 Baseline for MDGs in CIS Countries
March 2004
CR: Zambia's Draft MDG Report for 2003
December 2003
This document summarizes the exchange of comments and ideas on Zambia's draft MDGR.
CR: Suriname/Experiences on UNDP assistance to country reporting
August 2003
This query dealt with different sources of funding for the MDG reporting process.
CR: Summary of Ediscussion: MDG Monitoring and Indicators
2 May 2003
Adjusting MDG indicators to reflect national context, Goal 8 targets, Advantages and challenges of disaggregated data, Use of national statistics services, Partner agencies within the UN for monitoring
CR: Methodological tool for using the MDGs
by: MDG tool
February 2004
CR: Jordan MDG database design & Sharing Experiences on DevInfo
by: MDG Databse, DevInfo,
September 2003
CR: Mongolia - Resolution on MDGR?
August 2003
CR: Bangladesh - Role of the Government in Preparing the MDGRs
June 2003
CR: Lao PDR - MDG indicator definitions
June 2003
CR: Kosovo - MDGR consultant TORs and recommendations
June 2003
CR: Haiti - Are we on track for the MDG report?
April 2003
CR: Comoros - Termes de référence pour le recrutement d'un expert international
February 2003
CR: Lao PDR - Dev Info database / articles on MDGs
June 2002
CR: Argentina - Definition of indicators
May 2002
CR: Zambia - UNICEF's Child Info Software
March 2002
CR: Albania - Institutionalising MDG Monitoring?
November 2002
CR: Nigeria - Good practices in MDGR participation / MDGRs: Some Analytical Questions
August 2002
CR: Nigeria / Designing a cohesive poverty monitoring and tracking system
June 2005
CR: Arab Region - Supporting Gender-Responsive MDG Monitoring and Reporting
January 2007
CR: Thailand - Establishing a National Statistical Commission
March 2005
CR: Lesotho - Consultant for MDG Report
August 2002