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Africa: Stronger cross-border ties key to social and economic progress
Integrated regional investments in roads and power,coupled with pro-poor policy, could lead to an accumulated 10 percent increase in the continent's standard of living between 2012 and 2020.

UNDP Chief's Statements:

Latin American ministers at the UN discuss social policies to boost opportunities
More than 30 ministers and officials responsible for social issues from 16 Latin American countries met at the United Nations headquarters to study how governments and the private sector can reduce inequality and boost sustainable development in Latin America.

Pro-poor initiative to boost job creation in Africa
Cape Town, South Africa - A new initiative to boost job creation through pro-poor business development that engages low-income people in Africa as customers, employees, producers or entrepreneurs was launched today.

UN Asia and the Pacific Report: 42 million risk falling into poverty
Bangkok/Brasilia - Asia-Pacific will continue driving the global economy in 2011, but high food and fuel prices plus volatile capital inflows pose fresh challenges: 42 million additional people risk sliding into poverty, joining the 19 million already affected in 2010, according to the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific.

5.2 million Zambians gear up to vote
Lusaka - On her first visit to Zambia, the UNDP Associate Administrator called on 5.2 million registered voters to ensure they turn out on the day of the country's upcoming general elections.

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