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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration

The 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (PD) commits donors and programme countries to undertake three rounds of monitoring before the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, to be held in Busan, Korea on 29 Nov-1 Dec. 2011. The first two rounds of monitoring were organised in 2006 and 2008 and the final round is scheduled from January to March 2011. In 2006, 33 programme countries participated in the first PD Survey, 54 countries participated in the second PD Survey in 2008 and 88 have now confirmed their participation in the final survey in 2011. 14 of those countries will in addition take part in the 2011 Fragile States Principles (FSP) Survey, combining the two survey processes. As in 2006 and 2008, UNCTs will participate jointly in the 2011 PD Survey. Moreover, UNDP – and in some cases the UN Resident Coordinator Office – have again been asked by Governments to serve as donor focal points in the majority of countries. The results of the survey will provide an important contribution for assessing how much progress has been made against the Paris Declaration commitments by the 2010 deadline. Even more significantly, the survey will help deliver tangible improvements in the way aid is delivered in participating countries.

UNDG has endorsed UNCT participation in the 2011 PD Survey and emphasised that efforts should be exerted to ensure robust and good quality reporting against the PD indicators. It will be equally important for UNCTs to provide a qualitative assessment of progress made at UNCT level indicating key issues, challenges and areas of good performance. This will allow UNDG to ensure more accurate UN assessment in the final PD Progress Report and inform further UNDG positioning in the process leading up to the High Level Forum in Busan where UNDG is expected to participate jointly.

The OECD website on the 2011 survey provides the relevant tools, materials and support for the national co-ordinators and donor focal points who are implementing the 2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration. The OECD Survey Help Desk can be contacted at: pdsurvey@oecd.org. UN Country Teams are further invited to direct UN - specific aspects of the Survey process to: pdsurvey@undg.org.


Related UNDG web pages:

Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness

Aid Effectiveness

Uploading Tool for UNCT Spreadsheet & UNCT Feedback Form

Guidance and Reference Material

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UNDG Suplementary Survey Guidance and UNCT Results
Please find below the Supplementary Survey Guidance for UN Country Teams for the 2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration, as well as the UNCT Spreadsheet for the consolidation of UN agency results, and a UNCT Feedback form, both of which we kindly ask you to complete and upload by 28 February on www.undg.org/paris.
OECD Survey Guidance
The 2011 Survey Guidance explains the objectives, process and methodology agreed for the 2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration. It is designed to guide national co-ordinators and donor focal points in partner countries in the management of the Survey at the country level. The document includes definitions and guidance for the completion of the donor and government questionnaires and the country report.
Regional UN Paris Declaration Survey Workshops

DOCO and UNDP organized four regional workshops to support effective engagement and high-quality reporting of UNCTs in the 2011 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration. The workshops were held in Tunis, Tunisia on 4 November, Siem Reap, Cambodia on 12 November and Antigua, Guatemala on 19 November for the Africa, Asia & Pacific and Latin America & The Caribbean Regions respectively. The workshop for the Arab States and Europe & CIS Regions was held on 10 December at the Dead Sea in Jordan.

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Workshop Concept Note and Agendas
Workshop Materials
Workshop Evaluations