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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
XI UN Inter-Agency Round Table on Communication for Development
March 11-13, 2009, Washington, D.C.


Wednesday, March 11

8.30 - 9.00

Sign in & Breakfast

Session one

9.00 - 9.45

Opening Session
Chair: Paul Mitchell, World Bank
  • Welcoming Remarks

    - Peter Stephens, Director, Operational Communication - The World Bank (10')

    - Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Director, Democratic Governance, UNDP (10')

    - Suzanne Bilello, Senior Public Information and Liaison Officer, UNESCO Office in New York (10')

Session two

9.45 - 10.30

Review of Progress since the Xth Roundtable
Chair: Paul Mitchell, World Bank

- Venus Jennings, Programme Specialist, Media Capacity Building Section, Communication Development Division, UNESCO

- Q&A;

10.30 - 10.45

Coffee break

Session three

10.45 - 12.00

C4D in UN Agencies
Chair: Adam Rogers, UNDP

  • Presentation of C4D work in each agency, focusing on best practice in institutionalization and M&E; (5' per agency)

Session four

12.00 - 1.00

M&E; and Institutionalization in Partner Agencies
Chair: Riccardo del Castello, FAO
  • Brief presentation by invited guests from partner agencies:

    - Kristin Olson, Advisor on Communication and Media for Development, Department for Methodologies and Effectiveness, SIDA (5')

    - Steffen Beitz, Coordinator, Informal Network of DAC Development Communicators, OECD Development Center (5')

    - Denise Gray-Felder, President/CEO, Communication for Social Change Consortium (5')

    - Amina Tirana, Policy & Advocacy Officer, Global Development Policy & Advocacy Department, Gates Foundation (5')

  • Round Table Discussion (40')

1.00 - 2.30


Session five

2.30 - 3.00

Introduction to Theme 1: Monitoring and Evaluation
Chair: Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi

  • Presentation of background paper on Monitoring & Evaluation (Andrew Puddephatt, Global Partners - 15')

  • Q&A; (15')

Session six

3.00 - 3.30

Introduction to Theme 2: Institutionalizing C4D
Chair: Paul Mitchell, World Bank

  • Presentation of background paper on Institutionalizing C4D (Warren Feek, The Comm. Initiative - 15')

  • Q&A; (15')

3.30 - 3.45

Coffee break

Session seven

3.50 - 5.20

Two Working Groups: Monitoring & Evaluation

Facilitators: UNDP, UNICEF

  • Situation analysis and key challenges

Two Working Groups: Institutionalizing C4D

Facilitators: World Bank, UNESCO

  • Situation analysis and key challenges

Session eight

5.20 - 5.50

One Working Group: Monitoring & Evaluation

Facilitators: UNDP, UNICEF

  • Review of and agreement on key challenges for presentation on 2nd day

One Working Group: Institutionalizing C4D

Facilitators: World Bank, UNESCO

  • Review of and agreement on key challenges for presentation on 2nd day

6:00 - 8:00


Private Dining Rooms - MC-C1 (Main Complex - Floor C1)

Thursday, March 12

8.30 - 9.00

Sign in & Breakfast

Session one

9.00 - 9.15

Brief review of previous day and agenda for the 2nd day
Chair: Paul Mitchell, World Bank; Adam Rogers, UNDP

Session two

9.15 - 9.45

Plenary session: Presentation of Working Group on M&E;

  • Presentation of the key issues and challenges (10')

  • Group discussion (20')

Session three

9.45 - 10.15

Plenary session: Presentation of Working Group on Institutionalizing C4D
Chair: World Bank, UNESCO

  • Presentation of the key issues and challenges (10')

  • Group discussion (20')

10.15 - 10.30

Coffee Break

Session four

10.30 - 12.00

One Working Group: Monitoring & Evaluation

Facilitators: UNDP, UNICEF

  • Group discussion on Recommendations (60')

  • Drafting of Recommendations/ Next steps (30')

One Working Group: Institutionalizing C4D

Facilitators: World Bank, UNESCO

  • Group discussion on Recommendations (60')

  • Drafting of Recommendations/ Next steps (30')

12.00 - 1.30


Session five

1.30 - 3.00

Plenary session: Presentations by Working Groups
Chair: Sina Odugbemi, World Bank

  • Presentation of recommendations and next steps on Monitoring & Evaluation (10')

  • Presentation of recommendations and next steps on Institutionalizing C4D (10')

  • Reflections, comments and statements of interest by each participating agency on how to advance/promote C4D

Session six

3:00- 3:30

Chair: Sina Odugbemi, World Bank

-- Bjoern Foerde, Director, Oslo Governance Centre, UNDP (5')

-- Paul Mitchell, Manager, Development Communication Division, World Bank (5')

Closing Remarks

-- Venus Jennings, Programme Specialist, Media Capacity Building Section, Communication Development Division, UNESCO (15')


The following sessions are reserved for UN focal points only.

Session seven

4:00 - 5:30

Learning and Capacity Building in C4D
Chair: Rina Gill, UNICEF; Co-chairs: Adam Rogers, UNDP; Paolo Mefalopulos, WB

  • Presentation: History and Experiences of Training and Capacity Building on C4D

    - Prof. Jan Servaes, University of Massachusetts - Amherst (15')

  • Presentation of training proposal

    - Rina Gill, UNICEF; Paolo Mefalopulos, World Bank; Adam Rogers, UNDP

  • Discussion on the way forward

Friday, March 13

The following sessions are reserved for UN focal points only.

8.30 - 9.00

Sign in & Breakfast

Session one

9.00 - 10.00

Conclusions and Way Forward: Monitoring & Evaluation
Chair: Bjoern Foerde, UNDP

  • Review of conclusions and follow-up action plan (20')

  • Discussion (40')

Session two

10.00 - 11.00

Conclusions and Way Forward: Institutionalizing C4D
Chair: Paul Mitchell, World Bank

  • Review of conclusions and follow-up action plan (20')

  • Discussion (40')

11.00 - 11.15

Coffee break

Session three

11.15 - 12. 40

Mechanisms for follow-up
Chair: Rina Gill, UNICEF

Session four

12.40 - 13.00

Closing Session
Chair: Venus Jennings, UNESCO

- Bjoern Foerde, Director, Oslo Governance Centre, UNDP (5')

- Paul Mitchell, Manager, Development Communication Division, World Bank (5')

Download the 11th Interagency Roundtable C4D Agenda and List of Participants
March 2009