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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Effective coordination of humanitarian action in the field hinges upon good leadership. The Resident Coordinator is key to the efficacy of a coordinated humanitarian system at country level, particularly in the case of natural disasters whether or not he becomes Humanitarian Coordinator.

To support the RC or HC, a well-functioning support system needs to be in place, both at the country- and global level. This system should consist of a solid normative framework, developed and implemented at inter-agency level. It should furthermore ensure that RCs and HCs possess adequate skills and expertise by providing them with learning opportunities before and during their appointment. This should include appropriate guidance materials as well as sharing experiences and best practices with their peers.

This section aims to provide RCs with:

– Relevant and up-to-date resources on response preparedness and humanitarian coordination, including the various tools and services that exist to best support RCs and HCs in preparedness and response.

– Up-coming and past events for RCs and HCs relating to humanitarian coordination.

– Latest developments regarding the HC Pool.

HC Pool

