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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Accra High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, 2-4 September 2008
The Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness was held in Accra, 2-4 September 2008. The mid-term review of the implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness was attended by over 1,200 participants representing governments, parliaments, civil society and multilateral organisations. A joint UNDG delegation was led by Kemal Dervis? in his capacity as Chair of the UNDG, the executive heads of UNICEF, UNIFEM, UNAIDS, IFAD and WFP participated and a total of 16 UNDG members, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office and UNDOCO were represented.

The 2008 Paris Declaration Monitoring Survey confirmed the UN system has made tangible progress in implementing the Paris principles over the past two years. Greater efforts are needed, however, to achieve the targets set for 2010. In particular there is a need to make greater progress in using country systems, including use of procurement and financial systems. Work is also underway on how to integrate aid effectiveness indicators into the UNDAF in a way that reflects the specific nature of United Nations contributions to national development.

The UNDG organized a workshop in February 2009 where experts from HQ and UNCTs reflected on the outcomes of the Accra HLF and Doha Financing for Development Review Conference to provide practical guidance to UNCTs for effective engagement in a rapidly changing aid environment. The workshop also initiated work on a strengthened UNDG Action Plan on Aid Effectiveness, which will be finalized by a UNDG task team by July 2009. This response will include operational guidance and instruction on how United Nations agencies are to interpret the Paris Declaration indicators in view of TCPR commitments to strengthen national ownership and national capacity.

For further information, please also visit the Accra HLF website and the UNDP internal workspace on aid effectiveness.

Accra HLF Overview
UNDG Preparations
Ministerial Segment
Marketplace of Ideas
Accra Preparatory Events
Further Resources
Press Coverage

Press Resources

Accra HLF Overview

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Accra Outcome Documents
Conference Agenda and Participants
Accra HLF Presentation
UNDG Preparations

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UNDG Key Messages for Accra HLF
UNDG Delegation
UNDG Speeches
UNDG Side Event at Accra HLF
Ministerial Segment

Accra Agenda for Action (AAA)

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Revised Generic Guidance and Specific Terms of Reference
Roundtable 7: Situations of Fragility and Conflict
Roundtable 8: Applying a Sectoral Approach
Marketplace of Ideas

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UNDG Presentation
Accra Marketplace Overview
Marketplace Guidelines
Accra Preparatory Events

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Bonn Workshop 'Capacity Development - Accra and Beyond'
Preparatory Consultations in Latin America and the Caribbean
Preparatory Consultations in Asia
Preparatory Consultations in Africa
London Workshop 'Dublin + 1'
Further Resources

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Doha Financing for Development Review Conference (29 Nov-2 Dec)
ECOSOC Development Cooperation Forum
UNDG Position Paper - Response to the Changing Aid Environment
The paper articulates United Nations positioning at the country level.
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration
UNDG Action Plan - Implementing the Paris Declaration
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
Press Resources

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Press Resources
August 2008
Press Releases
August 2008
Press Coverage

Accra HLF Press Coverage
September 2008