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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries

The UN Development Group, the UN Communications Group and the Development Operations Coordination Office convened a workshop for communications staff from the Delivering as One pilots from 14-18 December 2009. At the workshop the pilots shared joint communication good practices and lessons learned with each other and headquarters colleagues.

Workshop Photos
Joint Communication Overview, Draft Guidance and Workshop Presentations


Delivering as One Pilot Communication Case Studies
Cape Verde
Papua New Guinea
Viet Nam

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Delivering as One Pilots 2009 Communication Workshop Report
by: Delivering as One pilots
March 2010
Communication specialists from the Delivering as One pilots met in New York from December 14-18, 2009 for a workshop to discuss joint communication, “speaking with one voice” on common issues, and other elements of strategic communication at the country level. This report reflects the consensus views of the workshop participants on good practices, lessons learned and recommendations for joint communication. It also provides a set of suggested actions for the UN system and its partners to take in order to strengthen the effectiveness of communication at the country level and in the pilots in particular.
Delivering as One Communication Workshop Agenda for 14-18 December 2009
December 2009
Delivering as One Communication Workshop Participants
December 2009
Delivering as One Communication Workshop - Logistics Note
October 2009
Joint Communication Overview, Draft Guidance and Workshop Presentations
Please visit the other UNDG.org pages on communication for background on specific topics such as advocacy, change management and internal communication.

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Joint Communication in 2008
July 2009
Trends, good practices and lessons learned in joint communication from RC Annual Reports, the Delivering as One pilots stocktaking reports and further research.
UNCG Working Group on Communications at the Country Level - Work Plan
February 2009
Joint Communication: Good Practices in Forming and Strengthening a UNCG (DRAFT)
by: UNCG Working Group on Communications at the Country Level
25 March 2010
Collection of good practices in building a coherent inter-agency communications team at the country level. These recommendations draw on lessons learned to help field staff implement the UNCG-Country Basic Operating Model.
Joint Communication Strategy Guidance Note (DRAFT)
January 2009
A guide to developing a UN Country Team communication strategy that integrates communication with the UN Development Assistance Framework and includes internal and external communications and advocacy.
Communicating to Promote UN Coherence, Effectiveness and Relevance (DRAFT)
by: DOCO
September 2009
This draft UNDG/UNCG Guidance Note explains how to communicate with staff and key stakeholders about UN coherence, effectiveness and relevance, and also how to communicate coherently as a country team. It should be read by Resident Coordinators, Coordination Officers and Communications Specialists. Please also refer to the related guidance notes on forming a UNCG, developing a Joint Communications Strategy and key messages on UN Coherence.
Communicating as One: Lessons Learned from Delivering as One in 2007
by: UN DOCO/Michael Kovrig
August 2008
This report summarizes and analyzes the efforts of the eight Delivering as One pilots to communicate strategically as coherent UN country teams in 2007 and early 2008.
UNDG Communication for Change Retreat Final Report
May 2007
The retreat's objectives were to develop a shared understanding of the communication challenges and opportunities associated with the implementation of the Delivering as One pilots at country level (best practice sharing component); to assist pilot countries in identifying key strategic audiences, messages and channels for effective external and internal communication on the Delivering as One pilots(strategic planning component); and to further strengthen participants’ knowledge of how to use communication as an effective tool for implementing UN reform (learning and hands-on training components). 19 pages.
Summary of Findings from Staff Surveys in Delivering as One Pilot Countries
From December 2007 until April 2008, the Delivering as One Global Change Management Support Team (GCMST)– a joint team including consultants from Dalberg Global Development Advisors and members from many different UN agencies – provided support to the eight pilot countries for the "Delivering as One" initiative. Three of the eight countries – Rwanda, Uruguay and Viet Nam – requested the team to conduct surveys of staff to determine their levels of understanding of and belief in Delivering as One and their readiness to make changes necessary to work in different ways.
Communication for Development Overview Presentation
December 2009
Presentation prepared by Communication for Development (C4D) expert Paula Claycomb.
Delivering as One Online
by: Mark Cardwell, Chief, Online & Multimedia, UNDP
December 2009
Presentation on ways that UN country teams can make better use their web sites, web 2.0 and other online communication.
Business and International Development: Opportunities, Responsibilities and Expectations
by: Edelman/Harvard/IBLF
A Survey of Global Opinion Leaders in Business, Civil Society and the Media
Monitoring & Evaluating Communications in the One UN Era
by: Charney Research
December 2009
Presentation on means of assessing the impact of joint communications.
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UN Albania - Communicating as One
by: UN Albania
December 2009
Albania - Delivering as One in Albania
by: UN Albania
May 2008
Four-page brochure describing how the United Nations is Delivering as One in Albania.
Albania - Delivering for Development: One UN in Albania
by: UN Albania
October 2008
This 17-page brochure describes UN Albania's efforts to Deliver as One and promote partnerships for human development and EU integration.
Albania Joint Advocacy Campaign Concept Note: Road Safety
by: UN Albania
June 2009
Cape Verde
PowerPoint Presentation: Delivering as One in Cape Verde
Malawi - Joint Communication
by: UNCG Malawi
December 2009
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea - Joint Communication
by: UN Papua New Guinea
December 2009
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UN Communications in Pakistan
Pakistan - UN Communications Group Terms of Reference
by: UN Pakistan
September 2009
UN Joint Communication strategy
July 2009
Pakistan - Staff Survey on UN Reform
by: UN Pakistan
UN Pakistan conducted two surveys to asses the perception and issues of staff with respect to the UN Reform. The first survey set a baseline; the second measured the impact of communications activities.
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UN Rwanda - Delivering as One Communication Key results in Rwanda 2008-2009
by: UN Rwanda
December 2009
Describes how Rwanda's UN Communications Group laid the foundation for joint communications, developed a coherent visual identity, conducted joint media relations, increased advocacy on key UN issues, enhanced its capacity, and improved internal communication.
Rwanda - UN Rwanda Communications Strategy
by: UN Rwanda
Rwanda Audience Survey
by: Nielsen
May 2009
This Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices/Image Analysis & Delivering as One UN Survey asked the UN system's key audiences questions about awareness, communications, general perceptions about the UN, a Delivering as One UN concept test, UN & humanitarian organizations performance, Humanitarian organization attribute importance, and other topics.
Rwanda - Delivering as One Staff Survey Results
by: Dalberg
December 2008
Report on key findings and data from staff survey responses
Rwanda - Snapshots of the UN in Action
by: UN Rwanda
June 2009
Rwanda - UN Desk Calendar
January 2009
Rwanda - UN Rwanda Brochure - UNity in Diversity
June 2008
Rwanda - UN Rwanda Graphic Guidelines
by: UN Rwanda
A graphical guideline pilots a coherent set of conventions for shaping the visual elements of UN Country Team communications.
Rwanda - UN Communications Group Terms of Reference
by: UN Rwanda
26 September 2007
4 pages
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UN Tanzania - Communications Before and After Delivering as One
by: UN Tanzania
December 2009
UN Tanzania - Communication Guidelines for Delivering as One
May 2008
Tanzania - UN Communications Group Terms of Reference
by: UNCG Tanzania
Tanzania - UN Communication Strategy
by: UNCG Tanzania
UN Tanzania - Communication Component of One Programme Annual Report 2008
by: UN Tanzania
Report on UN Tanzania joint communication activities covering results-based communication, staff Delivering as One, advocacy and C4D activities, partnerships, and more. 24 pages.
Tanzania - Delivering as One Information Kit
by: UN Tanzania
October 2008
Tanzania - Delivering as One Video
Tanzania KAPs / Image Analysis & Delivering as One - Stakeholder Report
by: Neilsen
January 2009
Summary presentation of survey conducted to provide accurate data on knowledge and perceptions of the UN in Tanzania, test Delivering as One concept among the same target groups, and provide recommendations on communication strategy.
UN Tanzania - Internal Communication Lessons Learned
by: UN Tanzania
December 2009
UN Tanzania - Funding for Joint Communication
by: UNCG Tanzania
February 2010
In UN Tanzania, communication has been included in the One Programme, enabling the UNCG to seek funding for its annual work plan from the One Fund. These documents describe how access to One UN Fund has catalyzed change and progress in communication.
Tanzania - UNCG Annual Report 2009
January 2010
Viet Nam
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UN Viet Nam - One UN Communications Team
by: UN Viet Nam
December 2009
UN Viet Nam - One UN Communications
by: UN Viet Nam
December 2009
In response to calls for a stronger and more coherent UN voice on key development challenges in Viet Nam, the One UN Communications Team was established in late 2006. This unique reform initiative brings together a team of communications specialists from UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNV under a single manager. The team follows a common work plan and sits together in the same office to support the UN-wide advocacy and communication agenda, the internal and external communication needs of the One UN Initiative, and the agency specific communication needs of the five participating organizations.
UN Viet Nam - Change Management Story of the UN Communications Team
by: UN Viet Nam
June 2009
This report is an attempt to tell the change management story of the UN Communications Team in Viet Nam from spring 2006 to spring 2009. 25 pages.
Viet Nam - One UN Communication Strategy Model
UN Viet Nam - UN Communications Team Organisation Structure and HR Review
by: PriceWaterHouse Coopers
April 2008
An independent assessment of the organisational structure and HR practices of the communications team in Viet Nam (40 pages). Second document is a 13-page response prepared by the UN Communications Team (13 pages).
One UN Communication Team: PPT presentation
Viet Nam - Delivering as One
by: UN Viet Nam
Set of four 2-page fact sheets on Delivering as One in Viet Nam. Covers the Green One UN House, Programme Coordination Groups, Monitoring & Evaluation, and One UN Communications.