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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
The Regional UNDG Team for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNDG LAC)

The UNDG LAC mission aims to enhance UN System-wide coherence at the regional level and support UN country teams at the country level in order to deliver as one and achieve sustainable human development for all. Since 2003, UNDG LAC has had a history of close collaboration to address pressing issues in the region and to support developmental, environmental, and humanitarian priorities to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The UNDG LAC addresses key issues together, including: support for UN country teams in strategic programming, common UN Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAF), and joint programmes; inter-agency support for crisis and emergency prevention and response; RC and UNCT appraisal and accountability; and problem-solving and troubleshooting in cases of internal situations or political tensions in countries in the region. Specific focus is concentrated on the issue of inequality and excluded and/or vulnerable group (e.g. indigenous, afro-descendant, women), including at sub-national level in middle-income countries, and models for UN service-delivery in such contexts; environmental degradation and climate change; and sub-regional and cross-border issues.

Due to its history of inclusiveness, the UNDG LAC counts a total of 20 UN agencies/entities as regular members: ECLAC (the Regional Commission), FAO, ILO, OCHA, OHCHR, PAHO/WHO, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNEP, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNISDR, UNESCO, UNIFEM/UN WOMEN, UNODC, UNOPS, and WFP. The UNDG LAC includes all interested Regional Directors with management responsibilities linked to programmes in the countries or region, and with regular involvement in UNDG LAC meetings and activities. UNDG LAC membership originally consisted of the four ExComs, as mandated in 2003, but expanded to six members in 2006 and progressively to 15 in 2008, and 20 in 2010.

For more information on the work of the UNDG LAC, please click on the links below to read about: Country Support; Regional Priorities; Meetings, Minutes, Workshops and Trainings; and Annual Reports and Workplan. If you did not find what you were looking for, please contact the Regional Coordination Specialist, Ms. Louise Agersnap (louise.agersnap@one.un.org).

Country Support
Regional Priorities

Meetings, Minutes, Workshops and Trainings

Annual Reports and Workplans
Restricted page for UNDG LAC members

Contact Us

Louise Agersnap
Regional Coordination Specialist
United Nations Development Group
Regional Team for Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone: +507 302-4768
Email: louise.agersnap@one.un.org


Belita Ileana Siu
Administrative Assistant
United Nations Development Group
Regional Team for Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone: +507 302-4785
Email: Belita.Siu@undp.org

UNDG Latin America & the Caribbean Member Contact List