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United Nations Development Group Delivering Together for Development
RBM Group

The first task team of the WG on Programming Policies, established in 2007, deals with the regular tasks of the working group, in particular evaluating the new 2007 UNDAF guidelines, providing new programming guidance where needed, working on enhanced guidance on Monitoring and Evaluation and RBM, and finalizing the web-based UNDG Programming Reference Guide (which is based on existing UNDG guidance and resources).


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Albania2008 One UN Program Annual Report
Angola 2007 UNDAF Review and Revision
October 2007
Azerbaijan, UNDAF Annual Review Report 2008 (6 step process)
January 2009
Bangladesh UNDAF Annual Review Report 2007 (6 outcome groups, 6 reports and 6 workshops)
Bosnia-Herzegovina – UNDAF Annual Review 2008 (review and revision of the UNDAF)
Bosnia-Herzegovina: TOR for UNDAF Evaluation Consultant 2009
Cambodia, UNDAF Evaluation 2008 (concept note with government expectations)
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2008 (UNDAF M&E; concept note with budget for annual review meeting)
October 2008
Egypt M&E; Structure
Egypt UNDAF Midterm Report 2009
July 2009
Flow diagram of the Egypt M&E; system and reporting framework and concept note on M&E;
March 2009
Kazakhstan, Annual Review 2008 (summary matrix of progress)
December 2008
Lessons Learned from Delivering-as-One Pilot Countries 2009
Liberia UNDAF Annual Review Report 2008
Liberia, 2008 Joint Annual Review Meeting Concept Note
Malawi UNDAF Midterm Review 2009
December 2009
Malawi, 2008 Guidelines for UNDAF Annual Review
January 2009
Mongolia, 2007 Annual Review Report (preparatory data collection exercise by UN staff)
January 2008
Pacific Multi-country Programme Document, 2008-2012
Pacific UNDAF Annual Review Report 2008
Papua New Guinea Mini-paper, Integrated UN Annual Progress Report (w/ flow of quarterly reports into annual report)
Papua New Guinea National Development Trends 2008
Papua New Guinea Progress Report (key lessons and recommendations) 2008
Papua New Guinea: Outcome Narrative for Education 2008
Rwanda Concept Note on One UN and Four Ones 2007
April 2007
Rwanda One Un Status Report 2008
Solomon Islands: Joint Strategy Meeting, Objectives, Methodology and Messages, 2008
Solomon Islands: UNDAF Annual Review Outline, 2008 (clear directives, dates, times, budget, roles of government)
Tanzania 2008 Annual One Programme Report (See Annex 6-JP6.2, p.12 and Annex 3-JP3, p.13)
Tanzania One Programme Annual Report 2008
Turkey, 2008 UNDAF Midterm Review (notably, report structure)
November 2008
UNDG Results-Based Management Handbook
by: RBM Task Team
October 2011
Harmonizing RBM concept & approaches for improved development results.
Uruguay Delivering-as-One Progress Report 2009
Viet Nam 2008 One Plan Annual Report
Viet Nam: Guidance Note on PCG Annual Review, Reporting and Planning Process, 2009-2010
Zimbabwe, 2007 ‘ZUNDAF’ Annual Review Workshop
Standard Operational Format for UNDAF Reporting

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One UN Results Report Prototype Guidance
6 October 2009
Pacific UNDAF 2008-2012 Annual Review Guidelines
August 2008
One UN Results Reporting Prototype Workshop (10-11 Sept 09)

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Workshop Agenda
September 2009
Workshop Facilitators Presentations
September 2009
Workshop Participants and Registration
September 2009
Workshop Sheets for Facilitation
September 2009
Workshop Supporting Documents
September 2009
Examples Listed in the reporting Prototype Document as Good Practice

RBM Action Plan

RBM Action Plan - Endorsed UNDG January 2009
January 2009

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TT1 Meeting Minutes Oct 15
TT1 Meeting Minutes Oct 30
RBM Mapping Agency Materials

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Mapping and Analysis of UN Agency Annual Reports
by: RBM Group (consultant: Martin Grinsted)
Agency Annual Review Requirement Mapping Exercise
Task Team Meeting Action Points
21 November 2007
RBM Study Reference Materials

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Agency RBM Matrix
Documents shared with TT1 members - Nov 27
November 2007
Draft revised M&E; Guidance for UNDAF
by: WGPP Task Team 1
March 2008
Draft revision of the M&E; parts of the CCA/UNDAF Guidelines for UNCTs. To be approved by UNDG WG on Programming Issues (2008)
ILO RBM Documents
Issues Paper - Fundamental Revision of UNDAF M&E; Guidance
by: Paul Balogun
February 2008
OCHR RBM Documents
Results Based Management at country level
by: Alexander MacKenzie (consultant)
March 2008
This study identifies the issues and obstacles to enhanced monitoring and reporting on results by UNCTs at country level. The study was commissioned by a task team of the UNDG Working Group on Programming Policies to serve as a basis for further discussion on enhancing common RBM and M&E; at the country level. The study is presented to the new UNDG Working Group on Programming Issues as a basis for further discussion in 2008.
Towards consistent use of agreed RBM terminology draft 12 July
Revised draft by Kai for comments by TT1
UNAIDS RBM Documents
UNDP RBM documents
UNFPA RBM Documents
UNHCR RBM Documents
UNICEF RBM Documents
UNIFEM RBM Documents
WFP RBM Documents