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Genesis—Integrate Marketing Applications

Omniture® Genesis® is now Adobe® Genesis™, powered by Omniture.® Adobe Genesis automates the integration of all your digital marketing tools into one central location. Your applications, data and processes will become more effective by being integrated into an analytics-empowered digital marketing ecosystem.

With Adobe Genesis, you'll be able to:

  • Consolidate measurement and reporting around virtually any success metric
  • Identify and target the most meaningful customer segments
  • Take the most relevant actions to optimize customer engagement and loyalty

This environment enables all of your digital marketing applications to deliver greater value than they do operating separately!

Partners You Can Trust

Within Adobe Genesis, choose from the collection of Accredited Application Partners (our showcase of well-known and endorsed integrations) and simply "plug" them into your Adobe platform. Genesis then easily guides you through interactive best-practice "wizards" that automate the integration to your specific marketing environment.

Accredited Application Partners

Implementation is easy:

Simplified Online Measurement: Open Transaction Framework

Don't worry about having to re-tag thousands, if not millions, of individual Web pages. The Adobe Open Transaction Framework (OTF) enables Accredited Application Partners to leverage the Adobe data collection infrastructure, (including an information map that touches all site pages) through a single point, and has access to business-specific customer attributes. This infrastructure facilitates easy implementation of new technologies to achieve faster time-to-value.