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Today is the anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, and remarkably, despite the earthquake being over 100 years ago, we have found video footage of the events in the British Pathé film archive:


An emergency food tent is erected to feed those affected by the San Francisco earthquake in 1906

The astonishing footage of the San Francisco earthquake is from British Pathé’s Pinewood vaults, it depicts the flattened streets and mass destruction in the aftermath immediately following the earthquake, with a dramatic newsreel ‘finale’ in which a large building collapses.

The rare newsreel shows American firemen typical of the turn of the 20th century, trying to put out fires in the rubble with hoses. Large emergency tents are erected for nursing and providing food to those who were made homeless by the earthquake. If you have any information on this clip then please let the archive know, find them on their Facebook page ‘The British Pathé Film Archive’. They are also on Twitter @BritishPathe

This video is taken from 90,000 archived newsreels that are now available and accessible to the public in the online archive www.britishpathe.com

Yuri Gagarin prior to take-off


Today Google has a special ‘Google doodle’ to commemorate Yuri Gagarin, the first ever man in space. The British Pathé archive has great footage of Yuri Gagarin:

First there is this unissued colour footage of Yuri prior launch, smiling, being escorted to the launch pad and going up in the transfer coach (which looks a bit like a Doctor Who tardis!)

Yuri Gagarin’s funeral in Moscow. This 1968 newsreel shows the Soviet army filing past an urn of Yuri’s ashes, whilst his widow Valentina and family look on in mourning. We see close-up footage of President Leonid Brezhnev and Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin.

Yuri Gagarin receives special honours at the UNESCO head-quarters, in Paris (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation). See how Yuri is mobbed by autograph hunters, the most popular celebrity-mad hobby of the day before digital cameras and iPhones! 

And then for even more Yuri Gagarin video (it seems Pathé followed Yuri on his 1961 world tour!)

Yuri Gagarin visits England (1961) – Including a visit to Manchester, a tour of the Tower of London, and a trip to Buckingham Palace!

Yuri Gagarin in Budapest, (1961)- Yuri is kissed by crowds of Hungarian girls and presented with flowers!

Yuri Gagarin visiting Cyprus (in 1962) to the city. Yuri meets the archbishop in Cyprus and waves to vast crowds in Limasol, receiving the keys to the city.

There are of course more videos of Yuri Gagarin in the online archive, including Russian documentaries. Visit www.britishpathe.com

To discuss our Yuri Gagarin clips, find us on Facebook – search for ‘The British Pathe Film Archive’, or chat to us on Twitter @BritishPathe

Marilyn sings to troop in Korea

Author Tara Hanks writes on British Pathé’s footage of Marilyn Monroe and the story behind it…

Marilyn Monroe was one of the most-photographed women of the last century. Beyond her acting roles, however, footage of the legendary star is fairly thin on the ground. During the 1950s, when her career soared, television was still a new medium. Her occasional public appearances, at press conferences and glittering premieres, were chronicled by newsreel-makers like Pathé, and shown in cinemas worldwide. 

‘Marilyn Monroe in Korea’ was filmed in March 1954, near the end of the four-year conflict. Monroe interrupted her honeymoon in Japan with Joe DiMaggio to entertain US troops. Standing on an outdoor stage before 10,000 fellow Americans, she quipped, ‘I never saw so many men in my whole life!’ ‘Film Fanfare’ featured the celebrity news of the day, though its reverential tone is world away from today’s gossip websites. Monroe’s arrival in Britain in the summer of 1956, to film The Prince and the Showgirl, with Sir Laurence Olivier, provoked intense media coverage.

Though some found Monroe too ‘aloof’, Pathé gave her a warm welcome. ‘We were delighted by the quickness and the mind and her intelligence,’ reporter John Parsons commented after a press conference at London’s Savoy Hotel. He was filmed in conversation with Marilyn, but unfortunately, the footage is mute. The fanfare surrounding Marilyn’s stay in Britain took Bob Stanage, publicity director for Warner Brothers, by storm. She attracted huge crowds wherever she went, adding a touch of authentic Hollywood glamour to a country steeped in a post-war ‘age of austerity.’

Earl Wilson, an American columnist who first encountered Marilyn in 1949, also attended the meeting at the Savoy. Interviewed by Parsons, he noted the formality of the British press, in contrast to the USA. In England, Marilyn was seated apart from journalists and politely applauded. Her co-star, Olivier, had been startled by the rowdiness of a previous events in New York. He asked Marilyn, ‘Are they always like this?’, to which she replied wryly, ‘Well, this is a little quieter than some of them.’ As part of the build-up to The Prince and the Showgirl - produced by Marilyn’s newly-formed, independent company – Hollywood mogul Jack Warner gave her the keys to his studio.

Jack Warner presents a Warner Bros. badge to Marilyn

Despite her apparent mastery of publicity, Earl Wilson remembered the younger Marilyn as ‘shy’, even ‘wooden’, but he soon warmed to her ‘honest, direct’ manner. Recalling a trip to a bookstore frequented by Marilyn, Wilson said the manageress had observed, ‘You can never tell what’s under a head, just because it’s bleached.’

Monroe had flown to England with her third husband, playwright Arthur Miller. ‘A marriage of brains and beauty,’ a narrator remarked as they arrived at London Airport. ‘But don’t let anyone tell you Arthur’s got all the brains!’

Weeks before, the newlyweds had been filmed at Miller’s farmhouse in Connecticut. During the rush to the countryside, one journalist had been killed in a car crash. Understandably, Marilyn seemed pale and nervous that day, clinging to Arthur and seeking his approval as she answered questions about their honeymoon plans.  

During her time in Britain, Monroe met Queen Elizabeth II at a Royal Command Performance. Both women had celebrated their thirtieth birthdays in 1956, and together they seem to epitomise different ideals of femininity. In a tribute reel made after Marilyn’s death, a narrator comments, ‘She was a queen in her own realm…the world lost something radiant when she took her leave of us.’

Monroe’s impact can also be felt in other Pathé newsreels, including ‘This Light Must Not Go Out,’ a public information short from 1957, urging Anthony Eden’s government to reduce taxation on the film industry.

In later years, Marilyn would be glimpsed at other events, both public and personal: whether shaking hands with a security guard before being introduced to President Khrushchev, during his visit to Hollywood in 1959: or attending the christening of John Clark Gable in 1961, clad in black – in memory of the baby’s father, and ‘King of Hollywood’, Clark Gable – who had died months earlier, after starring with Monroe in The Misfits, which would also be her final appearance on the big screen.

Monroe memorabilia is now a lucrative industry. Rumoured ‘sex tapes’ have repeatedly been discredited, but last year a short clip of Monroe sharing a cigarette with friends became an internet sensation, leading to speculation that she was smoking a ‘joint’ – although closer examination may suggest otherwise.

But the rarest films of all have resurfaced via the auction circuit – a star off-duty, playing golf, shopping in New York, sightseeing in Mexico. Or else the young, brunette Norma Jeane, performing cartwheels on a Californian beach. These shaky home movies, made in colour, remind us of a lovely, eternally young woman behind the dazzling façade.

Tara Hanks is the author of two books, The Mmm Girl and Wicked Baby. Find more blog posts from her on all sorts of topical and timely subjects on www.tarahanks.com



We’re looking for guest bloggers to write pieces for this British Pathé archive blog! Over the last year this blog has dipped its toe into all sorts of areas – whether it be 1960s bunny girls, speeches by King George VI, travelogues in Baghdad or our favourite black and white Oscar ceremonies – with over 90,000 newsreels in the British Pathé archive there are all sorts of topics.

It’s got to the stage now where we’d love some fresh ideas from people with interests that are different to our own (we’ve done a lot of quirky showbiz posts, how about some more academic posts? Although more showbiz is always good – everyone has their own take on celebrity!)

Perhaps you’d like to take a modern day TV show or piece of pop culture and compare it to clips in the archive, showing how it owes something to the past.

Perhaps you’d like to hone in on your specialist subject, be that butterflies, lifeguards or snooker.

Simply write 350 to 800 words on your topic, with links to the clips from British Pathé that it discusses or mentions, and email it to Jack on jcullen@britishpathe.com We’ll sort out stills to accompany the piece and publish it on our blog!

If you’re not sure whether your idea for a blog post will work then please send us a quick email first and we’ll let you know!

We cannot pay people to write on this blog, but we can share your piece with friends of the archive on Facebook, Twitter and through our internal mailing list, a total audience of about 6,000 people.  This might be ideal for people who love archive film, don’t want the laborious task of keeping their own blog, but occasionally feel like writing something!

We can also have a link in the blog post to your own website, fanzine or Twitter page.

All the best,

The British Pathé Blog

The Japanese shelter themselves from deady nuclear rain in 1957

As Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan gravely admits that this is the time of greatest hardship for the Japanese since World War II,  a sizeable part of the British media has focused its coverage on the growing nuclear crisis as two Japanese reactors’ cooling systems have failed, leaving both in danger of melting down, and severe hydrogen explosions occurring over the weekend.

So what is Japan’s history and story when it comes to nuclear energy?

The British Pathé film archive has a lot of footage related to the part that Japan played in the Atomic Age. We thought these reels would interest you, including a Japanese prime minister Kishi being shown around a British nuclear plant in the 1950s.


This 1957 newsreel shows 15,000 Japanese students protesting after warm acid rain strikes Tokyo following a nuclear explosion. It isn’t clear who the ‘culprits’ are of these nuclear explosions, with some confusion between Russian nuclear tests, American nuclear tests and British hydrogen bomb research taking place in the Pacific.

The British Pathé narrator suggests the Japanese protest against the British embassy is ludicrous on account for the British nuclear tests occurring over 4000 miles away from Japan.


“A small but noisy group of left wing students. The mob numbers less than 60 but they are a kingsize headache to Japanese authorities because of their fanatic leftwing zeal” The demonstration took place outside the American Embassy in Tokyo, and was against President Kennedy’s decision to continue nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean.

This 1959 video shows the then Japanese president Nobusuke Kishi visiting the then half-built nuclear site in Bradwell, Essex, a British nuclear power station.


Washington marks the 20th anniversary of the nuclear age. An atom fair in the clip focuses on the positive uses of atomic energy. President John F. Kennedy is presented with a cube of uranium. The clip also shows how “large scale earth moving by nuclear explosion is a major part of Operation Plowshare, the AEC program for developing peaceful application of this overwhelming force.”

Operation Plowshare stopped in 1973, after over twenty nuclear tests had been carried out in the Nevada dessert. These tests where in addition to nuclear weapons tests carried out by America during the same period.

This 1957 video shows men on the Yucca Flats in the Nevada dessert conducting a nuclear test.


This 1962 newsreel focuses on the construction of British atomic power stations, such as Bradwell in Essex. The shots inside the power station are great, including the magazine loading stage.


This video takes us inside a 1960s nuclear shelter in Maryland

Do have a rummage on www.britishpathe.com for more newsreels and archived videos, including out of space nuclear weapons, nuclear submarines, nuclear energy plants in France, Holland, Russia, America and of course Britain and dramatic nuclear air raid drills.

MODE magazine by Shortlist

Today one of our archivist’s turned up at work with a magazine called MODE, by the people who make Shortlist, one of those trendy free mags that they distribute outside tube stations. We’re not sure how new MODE is, but it’s quite a good read with some interesting pieces on, surprisingly, the history of mens fashion.

One feature was a numerical list of this season’s ‘rulebook’ for mens fashion. We were interested to note how quite a few of the items on the list took inspiration from events and occurrences that happened within the age range of the British Pathé archive (1897-1977), and so on our lunch break today we decided to see if we could dig out some good relevant material.

1. The Playboy Club Returns to London

Number One on MODE’s list took direct inspiration from London’s Playboy Club and its return to our capital in 1966. We were instantly reminded of our pivotal 1966 video reel Inside The Playboy Paradise.

 5. Jimmy Choo turns his attention to mens fashion

Footwear legend Jimmy Choo ranked 5th on MODE’s rulebook list. Jimmy Choo’s co-founder Tamara Mellon has a connection with our archive in that her father used to run a raunchy life-drawing café in Soho, and British Pathé went along to make this video of it in 1959 called Coffee Bar Studio.

7. Remembering Concorde

As soon as we read the words ‘Remembering Concorde’ we knew just the archive clip to match. Here you can watch colour footage of Concorde’s first ever flight at Filton near Bristol in 1969 – Concorde 002 Flight. We like the white boiler suits too! In fact, just search ‘Concorde’ in the British Pathé film archive and you’ll find loads of great stuff.

8. Remembering Paco Rabanne

We were pleased too to see Paco Rabanne in MODE’s rulebook. For those of you wanting to remember him we have several good clips in the archive, but our favourite has to be this newsreel entitled Metal Fashions, the girls are stunning and the scenery is as mind-boggling as you’d expect.

11. Bjorn Borg

If only British Pathé had continued making cinema newsreels throughout the 1970s we’re sure we’d have some great Bjorn Borg footage. However, we do have our own tennis fashion icon in the archive – Rene Lacoste

We’re looking forward to the next issue of MODE. Also, if their editorial team have one of those Ralph Lauren Home crystal decanters knocking about their office then we could sure as hell put it to good use!

Take a look at MODE on – http://www.shortlist.com/style/mode/ – we’re looking forward to the next issue!


Big Fat Gypsy Weddings has been a surprise TV phenomenon here in Britain this year, with its sometimes hilarious sometimes sad voyeuristic insight into gypsy life here in the UK. It’s that time of year when there’s a bit of a telly slump anyway, audiences want to fill the hole that X Factor / Strictly / I’m A Celeb has left, and TV critics are desperate for something sensational to write about. Big Fat Gypsy Weddings hits just the spot, but it’s not the first time Britain’s been fixated on its traveller communities.

Gypsies have long been a subject for news, documentaries, discussion and conflict in the UK, which is why British Pathé has several films related to gypsy weddings and other social issues in their archive. Here are the best clips below, enjoy!


Set in Bailsdon this is the magical wedding day of Maralene and Mariano. The rituals of this gypsy wedding include the mixing of blood of the bride and groom, and jumping across a fire as newlyweds. The video has a very “them and us” attitude, making borderline indignant comments about the gypsies’ dancing.


A dashing gypsy lad with an earring who is given a record contract. He sings “It must be the gypsy in me..” for the Pathé cameramen on a camp in St. Paul’s Cray, Kent. It’s rather odd how in both Danny Purchase clips he has his arms around his elderly mother!

Reel 1: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=81509

Reel 2: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=63359


A dramatic and fascinating 1970s newreel that discusses the problem of a gypsy community.

Dame Patricia Hornsby declares – “We’ve now had far more than our fair share and whatever we do we just get more. We’ve had upto 40 caravans with mountains of junk, as many of them engage in breaking down cars and selling the bits. We’ve done our stint! We’ve done our full whack. Kent has always been a mecca for gypsies. It wasn’t so bad when they came here seasonally for fruit picking but now they have very substantial trade in selling broken down cars”

 ROMANY ROW! (1958)

“Tom with his knife and nine children brought his family here for the hop picking”. This fantastic 1950s newsreel is set in Penshurst, Kent, and it depicts a family of gypsies who earn a ‘real home’.

The Rector William Peers helps Tom to find a house by allotting the Jones’ family a council house, and the villagers donated the furniture. Mrs. Martin goes round to teach the gypsy wife what living indoors is like (!)


A wonderful clip in which New York gypsies throw an upper floor courtyard party. Lots of clapping and dancing to the lively music! An older woman smoking a pipe shimmies her shoulders.


Gypsy Girl in 1961

This gypsy camp near Waterdale by the side of the M1 is described as “A big headache for Hertfordshire country council who own the field. No good just shifting the headache somewhere else, so the council make the site an official one”. But then more gypsies “pour in from Wales and everywhere else”. The clip highlights problems with sanitation, lack of education for the gypsiy children and the famililes’ need for a permanent home.


“A new kind of squatter, the woodland gypsy, has set a problem for the authorities.” The gypsies again live in hut-like dwelling as opposed to a vehicle, described as “18 families living rent-free but comfortless”.


Set in Italy, this clip features some great shots of a Gypsy Queen around a campfire at night. The musical score is every bit as whimsical and melodramatic as you’d expect a British Pathé newsreel focusing on gypsies in rural Italy to be.


A video of a Gypsy Wedding in the Nederlands. “A contract’s a contract and there’s no question of sending the goods back”

For more gypsy videos in the British Pathé archive see the Big Fat Gypsy Videos collection.


We’re thrilled that The King’s Speech scooped four Oscars at last night’s ceremony: Best Picture, Best Actor (Colin Firth), Best Director (Tom Hooper) and Best Original Screenplay (David Seidler). For those of you who are yet to see British Pathé’s online archive footage of King George VI see below:

This is the archive’s most popular video clip of King George VI speaking, at the Opening of the Empire Exhibition in Scotland (1938)

Here is the audio clip of the famous Coronation Speech (1937)

And for those of you still wanting more then check out our George VI Collection which contains 26 clips in which King George VI speaks, and has some great contextual material such as footage of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (The Queen Mother) who was played by (Oscar-nominee) Helena Bonham-Carter in the film.

The King’s Speech was nominated for twelve awards at the 83rd Academy Awards:













James Franco in Drag as Marilyn Monroe!

The other memorable moment for us from last night’s bizarre ceremony was James Franco, who came out on stage in drag as Marilyn Monroe. In some ways the stunt builds upon the Hollywood connection between James Franco and Heath Ledger, for Ledger’s widow Michelle Williams will play Marilyn Monroe in the forthcoming film ‘My Week With Marilyn’. Not only does James Franco resemble Heath Ledger but he has been tipped to take on his role as the Joker in Batman. Both actors found critical success in playing gay characters on the big screen too – Heath Ledger as the fictional Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain, and James Franco as firstly Harvey Milk’s boyfriend Scott Smith alongside Sean Penn in Milk, and secondly as a young Alan Ginsberg in Howl.

Here is British Pathé’s video of Marilyn Monroe meeting The Queen in 1956, in Leicester Square.

Can you name any of these swinging 60s sauce pots?

A lot of people are getting excited today because someone has scanned in their old copies of Smash Hits! Magazine and uploaded the pages as images to FlickR, meaning thirty-somethings can pour over their favourite popstars of the 80s.

Now here in the British Pathé film archive we stopped filming circa 1977, and so even Smash Hits! magazine, which is now placed on a pedestal as some kind of retro culture mecca, strikes us as quite contemporary and modern – the affair began years after we finished!

Because whilst it’s fun to look back at Duran Duran interviews and remember the days when Ultravox were looked upon as demi-gods, we actually have tonnes of videos online from the birth of pop culture some twenty years prior to the 1980s.

Just take a look at this fantastic video we have of the ‘Kaleidoscope Premiere’ in 1966, at the Warner Theatre in Leicester Square. Who are these beautiful people? What did they do, and what became of them? If you recognise any of the party folk present, and they’re not already listed in the canister notes (Jackie Collins, Cathy McGowan etc.) then please do leave us a comment.


In May, just days after the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton, The Queen will be paying a visit to Ireland, astonishingly the first reigning monarch to do so in one hundred years.

The last time someone on the throne popped across the Irish Sea was George V (or as one Guardian journalist put it – “That bearded fellow who shouts at Colin Firth in the King’s Speech”) and his wife Mary. British Pathé has the video of course in their free online archive:

Simply titled George V and Queen Mary, the canister notes suggest there was nothing particularly extraordinary about this being a visit to Ireland. In 1911 the whole of Ireland was still part of Great Britain. It’s a fun video, The Duke of York is there, as are other officials from London, as the King and Queen greet people, including an “ancient man wearing plumed hat who shakes the King’s hand vigorously for a long time!”

Going back further we were thrilled to find another British monarch visiting Ireland on film, none other than Queen Victoria in Dublin, on the 4th of April 1900. Only nine months before her death, the video shows a lengthy and very Victorian procession that climaxes with the Queen pulling up in her carriage to meet some important folk, before speeding off again.

The British Pathé archive is popular in Ireland as we have so much footage of Irish history. Recently the Irish Independent wrote an article on our election footage, notably our De Valera clips. Other popular Irish reels include this one of a gun-running funeral procession way back in 1910, and this famous reel entitled ‘Irish Revolution’ in 1922.

Then’s there the JFK workspace, the American President that Ireland treated as one of their own. And finally, I quite like this old barmy reel of some men going for a brisk winter swim on Christmas Day in 1933!

JFK: An Irish Legacy


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