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  1. Off on hols for 2 weeks, kick murdoch for me while I'm gone
  2. @tomeagles stick some fishes in as well to be sure
  3. @tomeagles he'll no doubt arse this up as well....
  4. Despite loving Danny Boyle, I will NOT see 127 hours. I'm so pathetically squeamish I can't even watch holby.
  5. @keithnewby65 thanks!
  6. brian haw is unwell. Hoping he returns to being the bane of the government's life very soon.
  7. Interesting that the police use facebook in Yeates inquiry. If I put "murder" in my likes will I get the ad?
  8. Cops likely to re-start NOTW investigation. It's a classic open and shut and open and shut and open case http://j.mp/hO1sKb
  9. Ivory coast expels UK ambassador, who had already upped sticks to Ghana. Bless. http://bbc.in/fwwN2P
  10. @JonathanHaynes you just did that on photoshop, admit it....
  11. Ed Milliband getting mauled on jeremy vine is pure parody http://bbc.in/fxQZrs
  12. Suspended NOTW editor calls in Max Clifford, who also had his phone hacked by, er, the news of the world http://bit.ly/husPEK
  13. just had mildly threatening sadsack neighbour complaining about 8am music on new years eve, 6 days late.
  14. @SimonNRicketts could you ask him to sort he out with a couple of haddock?
  15. RT @vacuumcleaner: Starbucks drops its name and the word coffee from logo http://bbc.in/hF0UOE because of website http://bit.ly/fzuHhL